Schematicannon fails to place girder-encased shaft
unofficial-fish opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Describe the Bug
Schematicannons will not place girder-encased shafts at all (other encased shafts work fine). Placing the schematic directly in creative mode does place the girder-encased shaft. This may have to do with schematicannons also not encasing or dying belts.
Reproduction Steps
- Create a schematic including a girder-encased shaft (create:metal_girder_encased_shaft)
- Start a schematicannon with this schematic, with a creative crate next to it.
- Observe it skip the girder-encased shafts entirely
Expected Result
Girder-encased shaft is placed by schematicannon.
Screenshots and Videos
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Crash Report or Log
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Operating System
Windows 10
Mod Version
Minecraft Version
Forge Version
Other Mods
Construction Wand
Fast Leaf Decay
Gravestone Mod
No Fog
Additional Context
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