


[Build Error] Unsupported type provided to method 'validBlocks' in

ugudango opened this issue ยท 2 comments


After I run ./gradlew build I get the following error:

error: method validBlocks in class TileEntityBuilder<T,P> cannot be applied to given types;
  required: NonNullSupplier<? extends Block>[]
  found: BlockEntry<?>[]
  reason: varargs mismatch; BlockEntry<?>[] cannot be converted to NonNullSupplier<? extends Block>
  where T,P are type-variables:
    T extends TileEntity declared in class TileEntityBuilder
    P extends Object declared in class TileEntityBuilder

I have looked into the issue and it seems like validBlocks is a variadic function that takes in more non-null Block based classes:

    public final TileEntityBuilder<T, P> validBlocks(NonNullSupplier<? extends Block>... blocks) {;
        return this;

In AllTileEntities, however, within the builder calls, AllBlocks.DYED_VALVE_HANDLES is provided, which is an array of a Block based class:
public static final BlockEntry<?>[] DYED_VALVE_HANDLES = new BlockEntry<?>[DyeColor.values().length];

Under normal circumstances, this should, however, work - passing arrays to variadic functions is intended behaviour in Java.

I have made a patch, but since I'm not a Java dev mainly, and I've never made any mods, I consider it to be quite terrible.

The build works and the mod seems to have no issues. Then again, I might just use the wrong prerequisites and have that cause a problem.


So what I came up with was specializing the DYED_VALVE_HANDLES in

- public static final BlockEntry<?>[] DYED_VALVE_HANDLES = new BlockEntry<?>[DyeColor.values().length];
+ public static final BlockEntry<ValveHandleBlock>[] DYED_VALVE_HANDLES = new BlockEntry[DyeColor.values().length];

Besides this, I've also "split" the builder chain, which also seemed to work. This is, however, way messier.

In - line 194

-     public static final TileEntityEntry<HandCrankTileEntity> HAND_CRANK = Create.registrate()
- 		.tileEntity("hand_crank", HandCrankTileEntity::new)
- 		.validBlocks(AllBlocks.HAND_CRANK, AllBlocks.COPPER_VALVE_HANDLE)
- 		.validBlocks(AllBlocks.DYED_VALVE_HANDLES)
- 		.renderer(() -> HandCrankRenderer::new)
- 		.register();
+ 	public static TileEntityEntry<HandCrankTileEntity> HAND_CRANK;
+	static {
+		TileEntityBuilder<HandCrankTileEntity, CreateRegistrate> PARTIAL = Create.registrate()
+				.tileEntity("hand_crank", HandCrankTileEntity::new)
+				.validBlocks(AllBlocks.HAND_CRANK, AllBlocks.COPPER_VALVE_HANDLE);
+		for (BlockEntry<?> B : AllBlocks.DYED_VALVE_HANDLES) {
+			PARTIAL = PARTIAL.validBlocks(B);
+		}
+		AllTileEntities.HAND_CRANK = PARTIAL
+				.renderer(() -> HandCrankRenderer::new)
+				.register();
+	}