


Issue: Crash when using wrench on liquid pipes, unknow cause Error msg in description

NullHarp opened this issue · 7 comments


The game crashed whilst tesselating block in world
Error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot get property EnumProperty{name=axis, clazz=class net.minecraft.util.Direction$Axis, values=[x, y, z]} as it does not exist in Block{create:fluid_pipe}


Though it should be noted it was a dev build you had an error with (i recommend posting the commit at the time of your download and gradle build) to reduce confusion.

Spotty, I don't wanna single you out but I do not recommend shutting down other users for reporting bugs in dev builds. Keep up the reporting Null, bug testing is what makes sure we don't need day one patches for missing tiny use-cases. This is why the mod is on github available for download to begin with.

The team is too small to presume they will find everything without observant users.


definitely agree with Reginald here
it's one thing if someone tries to report a bug of a dev build in the discord server, that's wack

but this is the issue tracker, the issue tracker for the same repository the dev code is on


Jeez, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause an argument. I was trying to be helpful basing on what has happened in the past.


I don't think anyone was attacking you friend, sorry if it seemed that way.


To sorta steer this back on topic, I can't replicate this in a creative testing world. Right-clicking on the pipe just toggles a window in it. @NullHarp can you check if this is still happening for you in the latest build, and give a more detailed account / screenshots of what you did to get the crash if so? Thanks.


It is a dev build, bugs are to be expected and crashes too. It doesn't help to make a bug report on a version that is still in development. Most of these bugs will be fixed by the time the actual release drops.


Ye Ik, I’m kinda a novice coder when it comes to mods so I’m not sure how to fix the bug as of rn, and wanted to add it as an issue in case it had not been found yet.