


unexpected crash on fluid tanks

alex450 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Describe the Bug

unexpected sudden crash with fluid tanks(some times)
with no logs or crash-report
oh hs_err.log

Reproduction Steps

i dont know how and it happens every few hours on my server

Expected Result

sudden crash with fatal error

Screenshots and Videos


Crash Report or Log

Operating System


Mod Version


Minecraft Version


Forge Version


Other Mods

Mod list : {List of your mods. You can also use /getmodlist command on your server}

mohist mods
[14:08:46 INFO]: Inside mods: (3) -> [mohist, forge, minecraft]
[14:08:46 INFO]: Only Client mods: (4) -> [flywheel, create, controlling, ae2]
[14:08:46 INFO]: Only Server mods: (0) -> []
[14:08:46 INFO]: All mods: (34) -> [minecraft, farmersdelight, cyclopscore, commoncapabilities, compressium, mysterious_mountain_lib, ae2, kotlinforforge, flywheel, create_jetpack, create, createsifter, integrateddynamics, integrateddynamicscompat, controlling, integratedtunnels, integratedtunnelscompat, mixinextras, create_dragon_lib, oceansdelight, computercraft, aiimprovements, corn_delight, flightlib, crafttweaker, l2library, forge, mohist, cuisinedelight, tofucraft, tofudelight, create_enchantment_industry, ironchest, infernalmobs]

Additional Context



V), si_code: 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), si_addr: 0x000000000f811fc8

Register to memory mapping:

RAX=0x00007f59b6328470 is a pointer to class:
com.simibubi.create.content.fluids.pipes.FluidPipeBlockEntity$StandardPipeFluidTransportBehaviour {0x00007f59b6328470}

  • instance size: 5
  • klass size: 91
  • access: synchronized
  • state: fully_initialized
  • name: 'com/simibubi/create/content/fluids/pipes/FluidPipeBlockEntity$StandardPipeFluidTransportBehaviour'
  • super: 'com/simibubi/create/content/fluids/FluidTransportBehaviour'
  • sub:
  • arrays: NULL
  • methods: Array(0x00007f58c7ce36f0)
  • method ordering: Array(0x00007f59b395c110)
  • default_methods: Array(0x0000000000000000)
  • local interfaces: Array(0x00007f59b360a3b8)
  • trans. interfaces: Array(0x00007f59b360a3b8)
  • constants: constant pool [147] {0x00007f58c7ce2f38} for 'com/simibubi/create/content/fluids/pipes/FluidPipeBlockEntity$StandardPipeFluidTransportBehaviour' cache=0x00007f58c7ce3af0
  • class loader data: loader data: 0x00007f5a48a17290 for instance a 'cpw/mods/modlauncher/TransformingClassLoader'{0x00000007fb400810}
  • source file: ''
  • class annotations: Array(0x0000000000000000)
  • class type annotations: Array(0x0000000000000000)
  • field annotations: Array(0x0000000000000000)
  • field type annotations: Array(0x0000000000000000)
  • inner classes: Array(0x00007f58c7ce3ad0)
  • nest members: Array(0x00007f59b360a348)
  • permitted subclasses: Array(0x00007f59b360a348)
  • java mirror: a 'java/lang/Class'{0x00000007decc8550} = 'com/simibubi/create/content/fluids/pipes/FluidPipeBlockEntity$StandardPipeFluidTransportBehaviour'
  • vtable length 29 (start addr: 0x00007f59b6328648)
  • itable length 2 (start addr: 0x00007f59b6328730)
  • ---- static fields (0 words):
  • ---- non-static fields (6 words):
  • private 'lazyTickRate' 'I' @12
  • private 'lazyTickCounter' 'I' @16
  • public 'blockEntity' 'Lcom/simibubi/create/foundation/blockEntity/SmartBlockEntity;' @20
  • public 'interfaces' 'Ljava/util/Map;' @24
  • public 'phase' 'Lcom/simibubi/create/content/fluids/FluidTransportBehaviour$UpdatePhase;' @28
  • final synthetic 'this$0' 'Lcom/simibubi/create/content/fluids/pipes/FluidPipeBlockEntity;' @32
  • non-static oop maps: 20-32
    RBX=0x000000000f811fc0 is an unknown value
    RCX=0x00000007f89dbfd0 is an oop: it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrayList
    {0x00000007f89dbfd0} - klass: 'it/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntArrayList'
  • ---- fields (total size 3 words):
  • protected 'size' 'I' @12 12 (c)
  • protected transient 'a' '[I' @16 [I{0x00000007f89dbfe8} (ff13b7fd)
    RDX=0x00000007a94cd390 is an oop: com.simibubi.create.content.fluids.pipes.FluidPipeBlockEntity$StandardPipeFluidTransportBehaviour
    {0x00000007a94cd390} - klass: 'com/simibubi/create/content/fluids/pipes/FluidPipeBlockEntity$StandardPipeFluidTransportBehaviour'
  • ---- fields (total size 5 words):
  • private 'lazyTickRate' 'I' @12 10 (a)
  • private 'lazyTickCounter' 'I' @16 2
  • public 'blockEntity' 'Lcom/simibubi/create/foundation/blockEntity/SmartBlockEntity;' @20 a 'com/simibubi/create/content/fluids/pipes/FluidPipeBlockEntity'{0x00000007a94cd3b8} (f5299a77)
  • public 'interfaces' 'Ljava/util/Map;' @24 a 'java/util/IdentityHashMap'{0x00000007a94cd4c0} (f5299a98)
  • public 'phase' 'Lcom/simibubi/create/content/fluids/FluidTransportBehaviour$UpdatePhase;' @28 a 'com/simibubi/create/content/fluids/FluidTransportBehaviour$UpdatePhase'{0x00000007bb1223c8} (f7624479)
  • final synthetic 'this$0' 'Lcom/simibubi/create/content/fluids/pipes/FluidPipeBlockEntity;' @32 a 'com/simi

unfortunately mohist is not fully forge compatible. if you can reproduce your issue on a pure forge server, then it is a valid issue here. otherwise, it is an issue that should be moved to mohist. :)