


Redstone link on a moving contraption does not properly transmit signal

Vilksian opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the Bug

I have a contraption that has a threshold switch watching a chest on the contraption, which then outputs a redstone signal to the attached link. The link is supposed to transmit that signal to a receiver, which is stationary. The problem is, as soon as the contraption starts moving, the transmitting link stops working properly, but visually, it's still transmitting.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Place a redstone link on a (stationary) contraption with some redstone input powering the link
  2. Place another link in receiver mode somewhere not on the contraption, on the same channel. The receiver receives the signal as normal.
  3. Convert the assembly into a moving contraption.
  4. The receiver no longer receives the intended signal.

Expected Result

Redstone links should transmit and receive as intended even on moving contraptions

Screenshots and Videos

Stationary contraption and redstone link
Properly receiving the signal from the stationary contraption
Moving contraption and redstone link appearing to transmit
Receiver not receiving the intended signal

Crash Report or Log

No response

Operating System

Windows 10

Mod Version


Minecraft Version


Forge Version


Other Mods

All mods in the FTB Skies 1.3.1 modpack.

Additional Context

No response


only contraption actors work on an assembled contraption. nothing else. this is not a bug, just a limitation of the design of contraptions. when it is released, create aeronautics will offer a more general design. please remember to close this issue.