Shapeless Crafting not working with Croptopia (All the Mods 9)
TenDollarz opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Describe the Bug
When attempting to create a recipe from Croptopia which utilizes a tool (frying pan, cooking pot, etc.), the shapeless crafter will initialize and complete the first recipe but will not begin again despite all of the components being imported into the basin. I only have this issue with recipes that use a reusable tool in the recipe. It seems as though the crafter does not recognize the tool as being in the basin still.
Reproduction Steps
These steps will use the chimichanga recipe from Croptopia as an example.
- Set up a mechanical mixer and basin. Apply power to both.
- Set up belts/funnels/etc. which will input the ingredients for a a chimichanga: a burrito and flour. Throw the cooking pot into the basin.
- Set up belts/funnels/etc. to export the chimichanga. Do not set up any way to export the cooking pot. The point of this recipe is to leave the cooking pot in the basin to be used again once more ingredients are imported into the basin.
- Begin allowing ingredients to flow into the basin. When one chimichanga is finished, ensure that there are more ingredients (flour and a burrito) that can be belted/funneled into the basin to start the mechanical mixer again. When the proper ingredients are present beyond the first successful shapeless craft is when I experience the error. The mechanical mixer does not initialize despite all of the ingredients being present in the basin,
Note: I have noticed that if I manually remove the cooking pot and replace it and the proper ingredients back into the basin, then the mechanical crafter initializes.
Expected Result
I believe the mechanical mixer should continue to craft as long as all the proper ingredients are present, however after producing one product this does not happen.
Screenshots and Videos
Crash Report or Log
No response
Operating System
Windows 10
Mod Version
Minecraft Version
Forge Version
Other Mods
All the Mods 9 modpack
Additional Context
No response
outputs cannot be inputs without being taken out then put back in. its an important safety feature. if you put a basin above the side of a belt, it spouts a spout and deposits its outputs on the belt. you can use that to loop certain items back into the basin.
outputs cannot be inputs without being taken out then put back in. its an important safety feature. if you put a basin above the side of a belt, it spouts a spout and deposits its outputs on the belt. you can use that to loop certain items back into the basin.
Ah I swore I thought I didn't have to do this in previous versions but your explanation makes sense. I appreciate the input!