Elevator Bugs under the Floor after a Server restart
MozeOfficial opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Describe the Bug
So after a server restart some of the elevators in my world but not every of them bugs under the last floor. It is possible to make the elevator work again if you dig down to your elevator or fly to the elevator like me because im playing a skyblock modpack and use the contraption controls. The problem is that i only have to do this with 2 of my elevators. Is there a way to prevents this at all?
Reproduction Steps
1.Build a elevator in a skyblock world
2.restart your server
Expected Result
That i dont have to dig down to the elevator to repair it
Screenshots and Videos
Crash Report or Log
No response
Operating System
Windows 11
Mod Version
Minecraft Version
Forge Version
Other Mods
FTB Skies Modpack
Additional Context
No response
I have the exact same problem as Jaegermare.
Forge Version 1.20.1
Mod Version 0.5.1.f
I usually just call my elelvator up with a button. It will go through the solid floor smoothly.
I have the same problem, whenever I leave my singleplayer world and join it, my elevator rests at Y=0, more precisely the redstone contact connected to my elevator sits at Y=0. My elevator have 5 floors, and I have another elevator with 3 floors nearby that isn't affected.