


Elevator Bug

Deimos1054 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Describe the Bug

Me and my sister have a server, and on it we just build, she has a Mine, and it has an Elevator... the top elevetor Contact to the lowest is about 123 blocks... the top Contact doesnt want to call the Elevator... we tried everything, destroy the lowest, call from higher position (still bellow the top contact) due to maybe a render distance... still nothing, the second top works fine, only the top one doesnt... there is 7 contacts (including the top, excluding the one on the elevator), they are at the same block x and z, different height, the platforms are about 20 blocks from one another, the 21 first block is the platform...

Reproduction Steps

I dont know how or why it happend...
I am not sure how do you reproduce it... I will try to write it, dont expect it to work though...

  1. Dig a deep hole
  2. make 7 plaftforms so that they are 20 blocks from one another (20 blocks of air between)
  3. make the elevator
  4. place the contacts on the platforms lower part where the elevator is suposed to connect as if your making a normal elevator...

if it didnt work, I may have described it wrong or its just on our end since we have about 134 mods (128 in the mods folder, the other are added by the other mods i guess)...

Expected Result

the top most contact doesnt want to work

Screenshots and Videos

the file is too big it says

Crash Report or Log

it didnt crash...

Operating System

Windows 11

Mod Version


Minecraft Version


Forge Version


Other Mods

No crash

the mod list is too long, here is a Google Drive

Additional Context

No response