


Display links not writing to signs

IThundxr opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Triage Note: Occurs on forge aswell & cloned from fabric repo Fabricators-of-Create#1157

Describe the Bug

Previously it was pssible to use a display link to write to a sign. In Create 0.5.1-d it doesn't work with any type of signs. Both sides of the sign stay empty. It will actully delete any text on the selected line.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Place sign
  2. Place a depot
  3. Select the sign using the display link and place it on the depot
  4. Write on the Label inside of the display link anything or place a item on the depot
  5. After closing and the UI or updating with a redstone signal it will delete any previous text.


Expected Result

I was expecting it to write the name of the item if it's on the depot or any other info that the display link would write to the sign.

Screenshots and Videos


Operating System

Windows 10

Mod Version


Minecraft Version
