


Attribute Cannot be Smoked, Smelted, Washed, Haunted bug

Deeptective opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Describe the Bug

When attribute cannot be washed, smelted, smoked, or haunted is on the attribute filter, when the attribute filter is used on a smart observer next to a depot, the smart observer will stay on even when attribute is not met.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Take attribute filter
  2. Right-click attribute filter, and scroll the attribute "can be smoked", "can be smelted", "can be washed", OR "can be haunted"
  3. Click add opposite option and click the checkmark.
  4. Set up a contraption, smart observer facing a depot.
  5. Put filter in smart observer
  6. Smart observer should turn on

Expected Result

I expected the smart observer NOT to turn on when there is nothing on there (Applies to all attributes)
Attribute "Cannot be smoked": if I put a piece of steak on the depot the smart observer should turn on. When I put beef on the depot the smart observer should turn off.
Attribute "Cannot be smelted": if I put an iron ingot on the depot the smart observer should turn on. When I put raw iron on the depot the smart observer should turn off.
Attribute "Cannot be washed": if I put dough on the depot the smart observer should turn on. When I put wheat flour on the depot the smart observer should turn off.
Attribute "Cannot be smelted": if I put stone on the depot the smart observer should turn on. When I put cobblestone on the depot the smart observer should turn off.

Screenshots and Videos


Crash Report or Log

No Crash Report

Operating System

Windows 11

Mod Version


Minecraft Version


Forge Version


Other Mods

Tested with all mods removed, but it still did not work

Additional Context

No response