


Zinc not spawning (1.18.2)

DoctorUno opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the Bug

Hello, I have been playing with Create for a week and a half on version 1.18.2, and I have mined a lot on Y 37, Y 18, and Y -58 (and also found pretty big caves) and I haven't encountered with Zinc once. I use the official Minecraft Launcher and I also have the Tectonic mod by Apollo, but I'm unsure if it's the source of the problem. The mods folder is in order, I use Create 0.5.1.f for 1.18.2, without Flywheel.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Install Create 0.5.1.f for version 1.18.2 (Forge 40.2.17)
  2. (Install the Tectonic mod)?
  3. Try to find Zinc Ores

Expected Result

I expected to find Zinc ores sometimes between Y 70 & Y -63

Screenshots and Videos

2024-03-24_20 21 07

Crash Report or Log

No response

Operating System

Windows 11

Mod Version


Minecraft Version


Forge Version


Other Mods

(List of mods that could interfere used on this world):

  • Tectonic mod 1.18.2 v. 1.1.1
  • Embellishcraft 1.18.2 v.
  • Mapperbase 1.18.2 v.
  • Blueprint 1.18.2 v. 5.5.0

(the last 2 are mod libraries)

Additional Context

The mods are all correctly placed on the mods folder and no other issues are suspected. The world was made with the create mod already enabled, not before installing it.


cannot reproduce