


Toolboxes on trains lose filtering on world restart.

lellasone opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Describe the Bug

Toolboxes on trains lose their filtering properties on world reload. When first created toolboxes on a train will only accept items which match their existing filters, even if their are no items already in each slot. After saving and re-starting the world, empty toolbox slots will accept any item type, even if it does not match the designated filter. The filter types are still shown if the slots are then emptied by hand.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Create a train containing a toolbox, and storage interface.
  2. Create a station with a matching storage interface and method of inputting items from a chest.
  3. Configure the toolbox to only accept coal, but do not leave any inside.
  4. Fill the chest with diamonds and assemble the train.
  5. Expected Observation: No diamonds are loaded onto the train.
  6. Reboot world.
  7. Expected Observation: The train is now loaded with diamonds.
  8. Disassemble the train and manually unload the toolbox.
  9. Expected Observation: The slots show they are configured for coal.

A curseforge modpack and test world exist and can be provided upon request. I am also happy to perform any other debugging steps that would be helpful.

Expected Result

Expected Behavior: Toolboxes on trains only accept items which match their filters.

Tested Behavior: Trains behave as expected until world reboot, and then accept any item thereafter.

Screenshots and Videos

2024-03-28_15 28 39
Test Configuration.

2024-03-28_15 27 29
Toolbox Configuration.

2024-03-28_15 29 23
Test Configuration after reboot ( notice diamonds loading onto train)

2024-03-28_15 29 36
Toolbox configuration after reboot (notice diamonds have filled some slots in toolbox).

Crash Report or Log


Operating System

Windows 10, Windows Server 11.

Mod Version


Minecraft Version


Forge Version


Other Mods

None, this issue can be tested with a pure-create world containing only the base mod.

Additional Context

My testing was conducted in single player, but I first noticed the behavior after a server re-start.