


[Suggestion] Add the remaining Spanish variants

LioxAcc opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Describe the Suggestion

Mod version: [Create 1.20.1 v0.5.1f]

I have checked in the assets folder "lang" and I have seen that they have a .json file that contains the translation of this mod to mexican spanish.
However, there are no spanish translations for the rest of the south american countries (Chile, Uruguay or in my case, Argentina).
The work would be quite simple (it would only be copy and paste the file changing the name) since the mexican spanish is practically identical to the rest of south american countries.

For convenience, I will use the Mexican Spanish translation for now.
But most common spanish-speaking players who are not mexican, might think that there is not even a translation of this mod in Spanish.

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All translation are done through our crowdin page here. Feel free to contribute!


The translations I propose to add (Spanish from Argentina, Chile, etc.) are identical to an existing translation (Spanish from Mexico).

So I think that copying and pasting the translation by simply changing the name (from es_mx to es_ar) would be enough.

The vast majority of digital products, whether video games, series or movies usually create a single translation for their product for all of Latin America, the mexican spanish translation. (Minecraft is the weirdo that doesn't).

And even several Minecraft mods do this (they create the translation for Mexican Spanish and then apply it to the rest of latin american spanish variations).

I would really appreciate it if you can do the same thing