


Book's and Guides Unreadable

bryguy02 opened this issue ยท 7 comments



Not sure what could be causing this maybe a possible resolution error but books and guides are pixelated to such an extent where you can no longer read them. (A screenshot showing the issue)

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report to ae2


Its whole client not just AE2 was just using this as an example its every book from every mod...


Done give me two seconds and I'll grab a book from create and show the same problems loading up server as we speak


If you are able to reproduce it with just Create & AE2 then i'll reopen the issue, if you cannot you'll have to do a binary search to figure out what mod is causing this and report it to that mod


A book from create is not what i asked, i asked for you to try reproducing this when just using create mod with ae2 and no other mods


Hm. Weird that I bare the responsibility of such when you could just idk appoint it to the appropriate dev instead of making the user bare the responsibility, because I just started and singling out two mods to reproduce a bug is beyond me? Usually you'd be kind to someone who's trying to help fix a problem or point out that one exists. That's fine close the ticket idc just thought devs would want to fix a problem. Appreciate the hospitality, dick.


The reason i asked you to test with just create & ae2 was because you are playing a pack with hundreds of other mods, it's impossible to just guess what mod causes it, and create only handles issues caused by it/related to it, so in the very likely event of this being another mod you would still have to report it to whichever other mod causes this.