


Coupled Minecarts Get Desynced and Stuck

ABirdNamedSuki opened this issue ยท 0 comments



Mc v1.20.1
Forge v47.3.0
Create Mod v1.20.1-0.5.1.f.jar

Running on a friend's self-hosted server

Coupled minecarts have been very unstable around sloped rail surfaces. This issue might relate to #6345.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Couple two or more minecarts together.
  2. Given power via rails or furnace cart, ride past terrain that contains a mix of flat and sloped rails.

That last one is particular, this issue seems to present itself more prominently when transitioning from a flat or curved track into a sloped track, but can also present itself when a sloped track is adjacent to a block on the same Y level.

Screenshots present with some examples as well as a video link.
The consequences of this bug/glitch is that the carts will stop in their tracks, or in bad cases can be derailed entirely.

I will be present and active for testing/troubleshooting.

Video demonstration:

A furnace cart (fueled/powered) stopping in the middle of the track
Furnace Minecart Stuck

Coupled minecarts, sent up an incline by redstone powered rails. After they reach the apex of their upward movement, start to drift back down the incline and in doing so one is pulled off of the tracks by the other
Coupled minecarts derailed1

Game Log

Debug Information

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