


Update to 21.1 (1.21.1 on Neoforge

jamieb999 opened this issue Β· 22 comments



Please update your mod to version 21.1 (1.21.1) pleaase as this is the stable version
for Minecraft currently for Neoforged.

Please update your mod this update needs to be done please.

Create 1.20.1 0.5.1

Game Log


Debug Information

Please update your mod to version 21.1 (1.21.1) pleaase as this is the stable version
for Minecraft currently for Neoforged.

Please update your mod this update needs to be done please.

Create 1.20.1 0.5.1

You really need to do an upgrade here!


Wow the people here are Rude FinnT730 I am not demanding anything I made a request.
Wow Just horrible I will just remove the addon since the people seem extremely hostile and rude
to people when they make a request for an update. Goodbye!


Wow the people here are Rude FinnT730 I am not demanding anything I made a request. Wow Just horrible I will just remove the addon since the people seem extremely hostile and rude to people when they make a request for an update. Goodbye!

"That is garbage update this." is a demand (and an incredibly rude one), not a request.


Wow the people here are Rude FinnT730 I am not demanding anything I made a request. Wow Just horrible I will just remove the addon since the people seem extremely hostile and rude to people when they make a request for an update. Goodbye!

you're the one being rude here


Wow the people here are Rude FinnT730 I am not demanding anything I made a request. Wow Just horrible I will just remove the addon since the people seem extremely hostile and rude to people when they make a request for an update. Goodbye!

and here we can see a specimen known as the "karen of github"

"you are being unprofessional" brother look around. this is an open source project


Create is also already "behind" by several updates, it will have to jump an additional 2 version change primers (listed on This is why updates take time and why many mods have chosen to stay behind on 1.12.2, including OpenComputers and a lot, lot more (I have an instance with several mods, which do not have any version after 1.12.2, and some of them are unmaintained too, they are literally no longer receiving updates. If you would like me to give you a couple then I implore you to ask.).

Modding's also generally a hobby, not a job. So people do it in their free time.


I would also like to add that the primer for 1.20.5/6 to 1.21 is 722 lines long, and covers many naming and general changes regarding about the rendering system, which the backend of create (flywheel) would most definitely use. there are other several changes too.


Wow the people here are Rude FinnT730 I am not demanding anything I made a request. Wow Just horrible I will just remove the addon since the people seem extremely hostile and rude to people when they make a request for an update. Good

garbager like you will say like this: Reopen this ticket immediately.
Who do you think you are?


That is garbage update this . Wow you are unprofessional this is a valid request do not simply dismiss me and
close off my ticket. Wow the devs for minecraft mods have no idea what they are doing and are extremely unprofessional.

Reopen this ticket immediately.


That is garbage update this . Wow you are unprofessional this is a valid request do not simply dismiss me and close off my ticket. Wow the devs for minecraft mods have no idea what they are doing and are extremely unprofessional.

Reopen this ticket immediately.

First of all, go back and read the wiki since it mentions that it's already in progress.
Secondly, We all work on this as a hobby, we aren't required to fulfill each and every one of your demands right away. Lastly, We are well aware of 1.21.1 existing, and a port is in progress which means there is no reason to keep issues like these open, especially after your behavior you demonstrated here and the fact that you decided to use the bug template for something that is far from a bug. Next time, have some more patience for modders who are doing all of this as a hobby project.


That is garbage update this . Wow you are unprofessional this is a valid request do not simply dismiss me and close off my ticket. Wow the devs for minecraft mods have no idea what they are doing and are extremely unprofessional.

Reopen this ticket immediately.

I understand you're eager for updates, but please remember that many contributors work on mods in their free time as a hobby. Demanding specific actions or calling updates "garbage" doesn't foster a positive or productive environment.

If you'd like to see improvements or changes, I encourage you to offer constructive feedback in a respectful manner. Everyone here is trying to contribute as best as they can.


@nvkomata I think you forgot to add something ;)



Why would I ever go to 9gag if I can just go to "forge-github" and find gems like this XD
Keep up the good work guys! Much love ✌


Was searching for 1.21 for my son, and stumbled on this issue.

"Karen of Github",.. nice,.... really really nice content here :)
+1 would read again.

on another note, my 8 yr old son will be so happy when 1.21 hits :)
He'll alphatest the shit out of the mod, i can promise you that :)

No rush, cuz, he has to learn 'patience is a virtue' as well.
Stuff that Karen of Github never learned.

His parents were drunk probably. And i understand why....
Having Karen of Github as a child,... my god...
i'd do heroin.

Have a nice evening :)


what a great dad lmao


love create mod and i cant wait for it to get updated.. keep up the great work and yes i agree and understand everything is done on personal time. take your guys time as rushing = problems, taking time = better out come..


im curious, does Neoforge codes are so different or theres still similarities to Forge?
heck i heard some proposal that unifies naming convension on Both NeoForge and Fabric somewhere
and while create yet to be updated to 1.21 i was wondering if theres any alternatives there for that version in the meantime? i've had enough making modpack on 1.20.1 forge only to get Keybind overlap bug where 2 action with same keybind wil trigger both, and yes certain core mods on my modpack also isnt avalible on Fabric so i cant use Create Fabric Fork and Fabric wich doesnt have this keybinding issues


NeoForge is currently a soft fork of Forge, so while there are differences at the moment they're backwards compatible.


NeoForge is currently a soft fork of Forge, so while there are differences at the moment they're backwards compatible.

NeoForge is only a soft fork on 1.20.1, past 1.20.2 it's incompatible with forge and is a hard fork


ah i see now i understand the need to port all the codes from "lex" Forge to make Create(and i bet the one fold it back is Flywheel mod) runs on 1.21 onwards(sadly i dont have any idea if someone can update the fabric port 1st then backport it to neoforge and began from there)


Meme thread