


Unchecked ClientMotionPacket

JoshieGemFinder opened this issue ยท 1 comments



ClientMotionPacket does not verify whether or not the player sending it was inside the bounding box of a contraption recently, meaning they could send specific motion data to the server that allows them to bypass player movement checks (i.e. moved wrongly, moved too fast)

Game Log


Debug Information

No response


Proposed Solution: Track whether a player has been inside the bounding box of any contraption within the previous ~80 ticks (can be made higher to account for ping, but if you're above 4000ms you're expecting issues anyway). If they haven't been inside a contraption bounding box during that time, client motion packets are discarded.

I propose tracking this with an integer attached to each player that:

  • Decrements each tick it's above 0
  • Is set to 80 every tick (or 10 ticks/is below 70) the player is inside a contraption's AABB
  • If this number is above zero, then they count as having been inside a contraption box.

This won't fix everything (people can make a big contraption encompassing their whole base), but it will prevent people abusing this to speed around the world unimpeded or something.