Fluids aren't working
Goblin-source opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Fluids aren't working properly and going into fluid tanks and other fluid things
Game Log
Debug Information
Client Info
Mod Version: 0.5.1j
Forge Version: 47.3.0
Minecraft Version: 1.20.1
Flywheel Version: 0.6.11-13
Flywheel Backend: BATCHING
OpenGL Renderer: AMD Radeon Graphics
OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 Core Profile Context
Graphics Mode: options.graphics.fancy
System Information:
Operating System: Windows 11 (amd64) version 10.0
Java Version: 17.0.8, Microsoft
JVM Flags: 3 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xms512m -Xmx6000m
Memory: 475328400 bytes (453 MiB) / 4567597056 bytes (4356 MiB) up to 6291456000 bytes (6000 MiB)
Total Memory: 11553619968 bytes (11013 MiB) / 12568088576 bytes (11981 MiB)
CPU: AMD Ryzen Z1 Extreme @ 3.29 GHz; 8 cores / 16 threads on 1 socket(s)
Graphics card #0: AMD Radeon Graphics (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (0x1002)); 4095.00 MB of VRAM
Other Mods:
Flan's Mod: 0.4
Dungeons and Taverns Pillager Outpost Rework: 1.1
YUNG's Better Dungeons: 1.20-Forge-4.0.4
KumaAPI: 20.1.9-SNAPSHOT
Almanac: 1.0.2
YUNG's Better Witch Huts: 1.20-Forge-3.0.3
Alex's Mobs: 1.22.9
Sodium Extras: 1.0.6
Create: Dreams & Desires: 0.1b.Release-Early-Dev
GeckoLib 4: 4.7
Player Animator: 1.0.2-rc1+1.20
Botarium: 2.3.4
TownTalk: 1.1.0
YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments: 1.20-Forge-3.0.4
Connectivity Mod: 1.20.1-6.5
Sophisticated Core:
Gpu memory leak fix: 1.20.1-1.8
Rubidium (Embeddium): 0.7.1
Sound Physics Remastered: 1.20.1-1.4.8
Dungeons and Taverns Ancient City Overhaul: 1
Xaero's World Map: 1.39.2
Controlling: 12.0.2
ModernFix: 5.20.0+mc1.20.1
Citadel: 2.6.1
YUNG's API: 1.20-Forge-4.0.6
Fabric Data Attachment API (v1): 1.0.0+30ef839e77
MixinExtras: 0.4.1
Sophisticated Backpacks:
Create: Dragon Lib: 1.4.3
Create Diesel Generators: 1.20.1-1.2i
Create: New Age: 1.1.2
Balm: 7.3.10
Create: Steam 'n' Rails: 1.6.7+forge-mc1.20.1
Sodium Options API: 1.0.9
Just Enough Resources:
YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses: 1.20-Forge-2.0.6
Cloth Config v10 API: 11.1.136
Fzzy Config: 0.6.0+1.20.1+forge
Sodium Dynamic Lights: 1.0.9
Konkrete: 1.8.0
Embeddium: 0.3.31+mc1.20.1
Athena: 3.1.2
Create: Connected: 0.9.3-mc1.20.1
Chipped: 3.0.7
Farmer's Delight: 1.20.1-1.2.6
Dungeons and Taverns Stronghold Rework: 1
Born in Chaos : 1.6.2
LionfishAPI: 2.4-Fix
memorysettings mod: 1.20.1-5.5
Cataclysm Mod: 2.35
curios: 7.4.0+1.20.1
UI Library Mod: 1.20.1-1.0.186-beta
Cerbons API: 1.1.0
Searchables: 1.0.3
Dungeons and Taverns: 3.0.3.f
YUNG's Better Strongholds: 1.20-Forge-4.0.3
Chunk Pregenerator: 1.20-4.4.4
Fabric Entity Events (v1): 1.6.0+6274ab9d77
Resourceful Lib: 2.1.29
Accessories: 1.0.0-beta42+1.20.1
Create Liquid Fuel: 2.1.1-1.20.1
Architectury: 9.2.14
Cupboard utilities: 1.20.1-2.7
conditional mixin: 0.6.2
flib: 0.0.14
YUNG's Better End Island: 1.20-Forge-2.0.6
Particle Core: 0.2.5+1.20.1+forge
Jade Addons: 5.3.1+forge
Tom's Simple Storage Mod: 1.6.9
Let Me Despawn: 1.4.4
YUNG's Better Mineshafts: 1.20-Forge-4.0.4
Petrolpark's Library: 1.2.1
Create Slice & Dice: 3.3.0
Effortless Building: 3.9
YUNG's Better Jungle Temples: 1.20-Forge-2.0.5
Mowzie's Mobs: 1.6.4
Create: Molten Metallurgy:
Create: Copycats+: 2.1.4+mc.1.20.1-forge
Create Applied Kinetics: 1.4.0-1.20.1
Just Enough Items:
Applied Energistics 2: 15.3.2-beta
Multi-Piston: 1.20-1.2.43-RELEASE
Petrol's Parts: 1.1.2
Caelus API: 3.2.0+1.20.1
Create: Love and War: 0.3-1.20.1
Inventory Tweaks Refoxed: 1.2.0
Waystones: 14.1.6
CrackersLib: 1.20.1-0.4
Knight Lib: 1.2.0
YUNG's Better Desert Temples: 1.20-Forge-3.0.3
Molten Vents: 2.0.9
Ice and Fire: 2.1.13-1.20.1
Bosses of Mass Destruction: 1.1.2
Terralith: 2.5.4
Molten Metals: 1.20.1-0.1.4
CraftTweaker: 14.0.48
Simple Tombstone: 1.20.1-1.3.0
When Dungeons Arise: 2.1.58-1.20.x
Tectonic: 2.4.1
Smoothchunk mod: 1.20.1-3.9
Alex's Caves: 2.0.2
Simple Voice Chat: 1.20.1-2.5.27
Simply Swords: 1.56.0-1.20.1
Physics Mod: 3.0.14
Moonlight Library: 1.20-2.13.47
Fabric API Base: 0.4.31+ef105b4977
Mouse Tweaks: 2.25.1
Better Combat: 1.8.6+1.20.1
Jade: 11.12.2+forge
Knight Quest: 1.8.2
Clean Swing Through Grass: 1.8
SpectreLib: 0.13.17+1.20.1
Create Ender Transmission: 2.0.7-1.20.1
CreateTweaker: 4.0.13
Domum Ornamentum: 1.20.1-1.0.284-snapshot
Kotlin For Forge: 4.11.0
Xaero's Minimap: 24.7.1
Polymorph: 0.49.8+1.20.1
Storage Drawers: 12.9.13
EntityCulling: 1.7.2
Create: Dynamic Village: 0.4
Structurize: 1.20.1-1.0.763-snapshot
Accessories Curios Compat Layer: 0.beta.18
MineColonies: 1.20.1-1.1.789-snapshot
Moog's Voyager Structures: 4.1.4-1.20-forge
Create Metallurgy: 0.0.6-1.20.1
AppleSkin: 2.5.1+mc1.20.1
Ferrite Core: 6.0.1
Fabric Object Builder API (v1): 11.1.3+2174fc8477
EffectTooltips: 9.0.2
GJEB (GammaJustExtremeBright):
Just Zoom: 2.0.0
BetterF3: 7.0.2
Packet Fixer: 1.4.3
chunksending mod: 1.20.1-2.8
Create Enchantment Industry: 1.2.9.d
Create Crafts & Additions: 1.20.1-1.2.4e
Carbon Config Library: 1.20-1.2.6
Server Info
Mod Version: 0.5.1j
Forge Version: 47.3.0
Minecraft Version: 1.20.1
System Information:
Operating System: Windows 11 (amd64) version 10.0
Java Version: 17.0.8, Microsoft
JVM Flags: 3 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xms512m -Xmx6000m
Memory: 475328400 bytes (453 MiB) / 4567597056 bytes (4356 MiB) up to 6291456000 bytes (6000 MiB)
Total Memory: 11553619968 bytes (11013 MiB) / 12568088576 bytes (11981 MiB)
CPU: AMD Ryzen Z1 Extreme @ 3.29 GHz; 8 cores / 16 threads on 1 socket(s)
Graphics card #0: AMD Radeon Graphics (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (0x1002)); 4095.00 MB of VRAM
Other Mods:
Flan's Mod: 0.4
Dungeons and Taverns Pillager Outpost Rework: 1.1
YUNG's Better Dungeons: 1.20-Forge-4.0.4
KumaAPI: 20.1.9-SNAPSHOT
Almanac: 1.0.2
YUNG's Better Witch Huts: 1.20-Forge-3.0.3
Alex's Mobs: 1.22.9
Sodium Extras: 1.0.6
Create: Dreams & Desires: 0.1b.Release-Early-Dev
GeckoLib 4: 4.7
Player Animator: 1.0.2-rc1+1.20
Botarium: 2.3.4
TownTalk: 1.1.0
YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments: 1.20-Forge-3.0.4
Connectivity Mod: 1.20.1-6.5
Sophisticated Core:
Gpu memory leak fix: 1.20.1-1.8
Rubidium (Embeddium): 0.7.1
Sound Physics Remastered: 1.20.1-1.4.8
Dungeons and Taverns Ancient City Overhaul: 1
Xaero's World Map: 1.39.2
Controlling: 12.0.2
ModernFix: 5.20.0+mc1.20.1
Citadel: 2.6.1
YUNG's API: 1.20-Forge-4.0.6
Fabric Data Attachment API (v1): 1.0.0+30ef839e77
MixinExtras: 0.4.1
Sophisticated Backpacks:
Create: Dragon Lib: 1.4.3
Create Diesel Generators: 1.20.1-1.2i
Create: New Age: 1.1.2
Balm: 7.3.10
Create: Steam 'n' Rails: 1.6.7+forge-mc1.20.1
Sodium Options API: 1.0.9
Just Enough Resources:
YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses: 1.20-Forge-2.0.6
Cloth Config v10 API: 11.1.136
Fzzy Config: 0.6.0+1.20.1+forge
Sodium Dynamic Lights: 1.0.9
Konkrete: 1.8.0
Embeddium: 0.3.31+mc1.20.1
Athena: 3.1.2
Create: Connected: 0.9.3-mc1.20.1
Chipped: 3.0.7
Farmer's Delight: 1.20.1-1.2.6
Dungeons and Taverns Stronghold Rework: 1
Born in Chaos : 1.6.2
LionfishAPI: 2.4-Fix
memorysettings mod: 1.20.1-5.5
Cataclysm Mod: 2.35
curios: 7.4.0+1.20.1
UI Library Mod: 1.20.1-1.0.186-beta
Cerbons API: 1.1.0
Searchables: 1.0.3
Dungeons and Taverns: 3.0.3.f
YUNG's Better Strongholds: 1.20-Forge-4.0.3
Chunk Pregenerator: 1.20-4.4.4
Fabric Entity Events (v1): 1.6.0+6274ab9d77
Resourceful Lib: 2.1.29
Accessories: 1.0.0-beta42+1.20.1
Create Liquid Fuel: 2.1.1-1.20.1
Architectury: 9.2.14
Cupboard utilities: 1.20.1-2.7
conditional mixin: 0.6.2
flib: 0.0.14
YUNG's Better End Island: 1.20-Forge-2.0.6
Particle Core: 0.2.5+1.20.1+forge
Jade Addons: 5.3.1+forge
Tom's Simple Storage Mod: 1.6.9
Let Me Despawn: 1.4.4
YUNG's Better Mineshafts: 1.20-Forge-4.0.4
Petrolpark's Library: 1.2.1
Create Slice & Dice: 3.3.0
Effortless Building: 3.9
YUNG's Better Jungle Temples: 1.20-Forge-2.0.5
Mowzie's Mobs: 1.6.4
Create: Molten Metallurgy:
Create: Copycats+: 2.1.4+mc.1.20.1-forge
Create Applied Kinetics: 1.4.0-1.20.1
Just Enough Items:
Applied Energistics 2: 15.3.2-beta
Multi-Piston: 1.20-1.2.43-RELEASE
Petrol's Parts: 1.1.2
Caelus API: 3.2.0+1.20.1
Create: Love and War: 0.3-1.20.1
Inventory Tweaks Refoxed: 1.2.0
Waystones: 14.1.6
CrackersLib: 1.20.1-0.4
Knight Lib: 1.2.0
YUNG's Better Desert Temples: 1.20-Forge-3.0.3
Molten Vents: 2.0.9
Ice and Fire: 2.1.13-1.20.1
Bosses of Mass Destruction: 1.1.2
Terralith: 2.5.4
Molten Metals: 1.20.1-0.1.4
CraftTweaker: 14.0.48
Simple Tombstone: 1.20.1-1.3.0
When Dungeons Arise: 2.1.58-1.20.x
Tectonic: 2.4.1
Smoothchunk mod: 1.20.1-3.9
Alex's Caves: 2.0.2
Simple Voice Chat: 1.20.1-2.5.27
Simply Swords: 1.56.0-1.20.1
Physics Mod: 3.0.14
Moonlight Library: 1.20-2.13.47
Fabric API Base: 0.4.31+ef105b4977
Mouse Tweaks: 2.25.1
Better Combat: 1.8.6+1.20.1
Jade: 11.12.2+forge
Knight Quest: 1.8.2
Clean Swing Through Grass: 1.8
SpectreLib: 0.13.17+1.20.1
Create Ender Transmission: 2.0.7-1.20.1
CreateTweaker: 4.0.13
Domum Ornamentum: 1.20.1-1.0.284-snapshot
Kotlin For Forge: 4.11.0
Xaero's Minimap: 24.7.1
Polymorph: 0.49.8+1.20.1
Storage Drawers: 12.9.13
EntityCulling: 1.7.2
Create: Dynamic Village: 0.4
Structurize: 1.20.1-1.0.763-snapshot
Accessories Curios Compat Layer: 0.beta.18
MineColonies: 1.20.1-1.1.789-snapshot
Moog's Voyager Structures: 4.1.4-1.20-forge
Create Metallurgy: 0.0.6-1.20.1
AppleSkin: 2.5.1+mc1.20.1
Ferrite Core: 6.0.1
Fabric Object Builder API (v1): 11.1.3+2174fc8477
EffectTooltips: 9.0.2
GJEB (GammaJustExtremeBright):
Just Zoom: 2.0.0
BetterF3: 7.0.2
Packet Fixer: 1.4.3
chunksending mod: 1.20.1-2.8
Create Enchantment Industry: 1.2.9.d
Create Crafts & Additions: 1.20.1-1.2.4e
Carbon Config Library: 1.20-1.2.6