


Feature Request: Millstones

Syndaryl opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I posted this on the curseforge page, and then figure oops, it probably goes here. Sorry for the duplication.

Is it technically feasible to create a variation on the grinder, a set of millstones? It would look much more at home in my windmills!

So instead of two disks arrayed horizontally, it would be two pancaked on top of each other, and the rotation is around the Y axis. Raw product is fed in through the top, and output the bottom. Or you could feed it in one side and out the other, whatever.

The nether millstone should be fixed and the top millstone should rotate.

I'm figuring no actual difference in recipes, and at least as a first version, just literally making it a funny shaped Grinder, using one recipe registry betwixt the two. Later it might be worth looking at splitting up the default recipes? Milling flour definitely seems more natural with millstones, and I'd put dyes in there myself, leaving the grinders for e.g. ore crushing.


Hi syndaryl, thanks for the suggestion!
We've indeed thought about replacing the crushing wheels with something less powerful in the early game stage. This might be the perfect candidate to take their place.


Millstones have been added in 0.2.2a, enjoy!