Create Crafts & Additions

Create Crafts & Additions


Diamond Grit Sandpaper is unobtainable outside creative inventory.

payphone101 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Describe the bug
Diamond grit sandpaper isn't available for crafting.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install the create mod (v.0.5.1-d-build.1161+mc1.20.1) and create crafts and additions (v.0.9.0)
  2. Create a new world.
  3. Acquire diamond grit (either from crushing diamonds or the creative inventory) and regular paper
    4.a. Open your inventory screen (in survival) and try to craft diamond grit sandpaper by placing the ingredients on the 2x2 crafting grid
    4.b. Interact with a crafting table and try to craft diamond grit sandpaper by placing the ingredients on the 2x2 crafting grid
    4.c. Place the ingredients in a mechanical crafter and power the crafters

Expected behaviour:
You are able to craft the diamond grit sandpaper

Observed Behaviour:
You cannot craft the diamond grit sandpaper

Additional context

  • Mod version: v.0.9.0 FABRIC
  • Fabric version: 0.14.3-1.20.1
  • Create version: v.0.5.1-d-build.1161+mc1.20.1

Same here, JEI is also reporting it only needs paper to craft it.


odd, probably a fabric tag issue


I'm seeing the same issue in Quilt - any chance this could be solved in a future update? Or is this up to whoever maintains the fabric port (:


ples, how did u get 1.20.1 to work. My monk brain cant get it run


im having the same problem and i have a picture using the crafting blueprints that says it requires diamond_dusts


I definitely should've responded to this way earlier, because I actually already fixed this with #659 / #660, but those versions of the mod just haven't been updated since the fix.