Create Crafts & Additions

Create Crafts & Additions


Small connector with light doesn't work with redstone relay.

JohnM6502 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


When using a light connector hooked up to a relay to turn it on an off, the lights will not turn on unless there is a load on that line.

To Reproduce
Hook up a power source to a relay, then connect the relay to the string of light connectors. When the relay is flipped on, the lights will not work. But if you hook up a motor, accumulator, etc... to the end of the lights it will turn them on.

Additional context

  • Mod version: Minecraft 1.20.1
  • Forge version: 47.2.0
  • Create version: Crafts and Additions 1.2.3

This has been fixed


I think that network.demand must be called somewhere in the specialTick method of SmallLightConnectorBlockEntity