


[1.12.2] Strange issues when playing on a dedicated server (crash happening only on client-side).

vico93 opened this issue ยท 2 comments



I'm playing with my modpack for 1.12.2 (Forge, while in singleplayer i don't have any issues, when i try to play in a local dedicated server (running Mohist, an hybrid of Forge and Spigot, latest build 299) sometimes i ran into strange crashes on my game (client), nothing amiss happens on server.

Since i'm using VanillaFix the crash didn't stop the game altogether (it even continues running normally, apparently), but it generates a crash report (gist link) and VanillaFix thinks CreativeCore is the culprit.

2022-01-17_21 01 09

In the occasion of this "crash" i was playing on my dedicated server on a Terrarium-made world.

If you need more information about my setup i will be happy to answer in more details (mods installed, java version, etc).


OnlinePictureFrame has been discontinued. Either use LittleFrames or downgrade to a creativecore version which was released around the same time as the latest onlinepictureframe version.


Thanks. Didnt knew about this. Will downgrade CreativeCore since LittleFrames requires more dependencies (LittleTiles and VLCJ).