Licensing issue
asiekierka opened this issue ยท 9 comments
As per the MCP license, you're not allowed to distribute their data files without explicit permission from the MCP team.
As far as I understand, you're only using it to transform between Notch and SRG names - however, you can make your transformers load after the Notch->SRG transformation step by applying the "@IFMLLoadingPlugin.SortingIndex(1001)" annotation to your coremod's main class, ensuring you never have to deal with Notch names.
Technically, if you're still distributing old versions... But with LexManos's change of stance in the past year or two, and 1.12 becoming largely abandoned, it's unlikely anyone will care anymore. (Not legal advice, of course.)
I can finally close this issue. I have dropped support for 1.12. I can finally close this chapter.
Nope i use it to map MCP to Notch. If i would increase the SortingIndex i would have to mess around with the srg names ... which doesn't make a difference at all (since i'm using the mcp names). If I'm not allowed to put those names into my mod file, i have to figure out a different way to do so. Probably a not automated one. Most likely i will have to look up all those names again ... i hate it.
It will be closed once I have abandoned 1.12. I won't do this in newer versions.