- 9
Startup Mixin crash with 2.12.23 on 1.20.1
#266 opened by brisingraerowing - 4
Game crashes with this mod enabled!
#265 opened by Coolgame-opps - 3
cmdconfig doesn't save at all
#264 opened by idkimanerd - 0
[BUG] This mod is causing massive lag.
#263 opened by Deepfriedyag - 3
[Bug] Creative Core prevents some players from joining the server
#262 opened by zndrmn - 2
@Mixin target net.minecraft.class_465 was not found creativecore.fabric.mixins.json:AbstractContainerScreenMixin from mod creativecore
#261 opened by commet24 - 4
The newest version is crashed with Fruitful Fun.
#260 opened by hyygybs - 1
whats the name of the creative core config
#259 opened by nekohacker591 - 1
Update NeoForge version to v2.12.19/fix incompatibility with ItemPhysics v1.8.2 with NeoForge
#258 opened by NovaViper - 1
game crash with LittlePictureFrames
#257 opened by Lando-exp - 1
Minecraft 1.21.1 crash
#256 opened by geyesborg - 1
Mod incompatibility with Moonrise
#255 opened by clrxbl - 1
Need config file for CreativeCore v1.10.70 mc1.12.2
#252 opened by ItsFoxy87 - 1
v2.12.6 mod loader tag error on CurseForge
#250 opened by 3gf8jv4dv - 1
I don't know how to remove this, but I solved the problem
#249 opened by FilipKompaniets3 - 1
ModMenu Configuration Bug
#248 opened by stlouisn - 1
(Fabric 1.20.1) States I do not have a recent-enough version of Creative Core for Ambient Sounds Even Though I Do
#244 opened by Td-Flyy - 1
[1.21neoforge][ConfigHolderObject]NullPointerException about reflect
#243 opened by ootwclyhe - 7
Crash with exit code 1 with CreativeCore on 1.20.1
#242 opened by vainlaind4in - 5
Missing methods and inconsistent calls on Fabric networking
#241 opened by SrRapero720 - 1
Crash with latest `CreativeCore` on `Fabric 1.21`
#240 opened by mpustovoi - 3
Latest CreativeCore update causes Enhanced Visuals to stop working, and crash on startup(mod failed to load) FORGE 1.19.2
#239 opened by Minebrah - 1
Potential crash with JEI when opening the Little Tiles little bag.
#238 opened by thakyZ - 1
ConfigHolderDynamic#registerValue doesn't act like a folder
#234 opened by SrRapero720 - 3
[FABRIC] GuiSliders get stuck clicking on it
#232 opened by SrRapero720 - 2
DisplayTest on autogenerated resources
#231 opened by SrRapero720 - 11
Scalable Text using labels
#230 opened by SrRapero720 - 1
add method on Vec2 classes is not working how was intended
#229 opened by SrRapero720 - 1
Change to a different CurseForge gradle plugin
#228 opened by SrRapero720 - 2
Suggestions in GuiSliders on Right-click
#227 opened by SrRapero720 - 1
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/class_746
#226 opened by MaGyul - 18
Exit Code 1
#225 opened by F34R-M3 - 1
Client crash on latest 1.20.6 NeoForge
#224 opened by ModernGamingWorld - 0
#222 opened by PukPukov - 3
Latest version crashes
#218 opened by dylanparry - 1
minecraft 1.19.2 no response
#216 opened by TBNLZLDYD - 1
Client crash on my server
#215 opened by kezmodius - 2
crash with my modpack
#214 opened by Thunderrock424242 - 1
idea build failed using default gradle script
#213 opened by SrRapero720 - 1
Incompatible with FFAPI
#212 opened by kakashi1464 - 1
Spam on server startup
#208 opened by Tollainmear - 4
"Illegal classload request for accessor mixin" spammed in logs
#205 opened by Sollace - 1
client mixin in common mixin list
#204 opened by Linguardium - 1
Clients without the mod can't join when opening to LAN
#203 opened by YoshiRulz - 4
Crash with Fruitful fun
#202 opened by ChiefLogan3010 - 4
[FORGE] Crash during prelaunch - different mod specified in log every crash
#201 opened by C8kilc8ac - 1
Crash when creating new world/join existing world
#199 opened by kazumadh - 1
Update to support Minecraft 1.20.4 Fabric
#198 opened by lospejos - 4
Crash Error 1
#197 opened by ceifadorcinixtru - 18
Not sure if this is on purpose or not.
#195 opened by PrinceJaxonHellsing