Nether based chickens not spawning
merriama opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Updated because I saw nether chickens were supposed to be fixed but Nether Quartz and Soul Sand chickens are still not spawning.
Minecraft 1.19.2
Forge 43.2.8
I also did some digging and I think it could be a logic error in the checkAnimalSpawnRules(...)
It could be the the first if
statement always returns false for the Nether. Because in the net.minecraft.tags.BlockTags a lot of the Nether blocks or even the Nether in general is listed as BlockTags.ANIMALS_SPAWNABLE_ON
. To circumvent this you could probably move the SpawnType.HELL
statement before the BlockTags.ANIMALS_SPAWNABLE_ON
But I am no minecraft mod dev so im just guessing.
public static boolean checkAnimalSpawnRules(EntityType<? extends Animal> entityType, LevelAccessor levelAccessor, MobSpawnType mobSpawnType, BlockPos blockPos, Random random, ChickensRegistryItem chickensRegistryItem)
if(!levelAccessor.getBlockState(blockPos.below()).is(BlockTags.ANIMALS_SPAWNABLE_ON)) return false;
if(!isBrightEnoughToSpawn(levelAccessor, blockPos)) return false;
if(!chickensRegistryItem.canSpawn()) return false;
if(chickensRegistryItem.getSpawnType() == SpawnType.NORMAL)
return levelAccessor.dimensionType().natural();
if(chickensRegistryItem.getSpawnType() == SpawnType.HELL)
return levelAccessor.dimensionType().piglinSafe();
return true;
Example implementation:
public static boolean checkAnimalSpawnRules(EntityType<? extends Animal> entityType, LevelAccessor levelAccessor, MobSpawnType mobSpawnType, BlockPos blockPos, Random random, ChickensRegistryItem chickensRegistryItem)
if(!chickensRegistryItem.canSpawn()) return false;
if(chickensRegistryItem.getSpawnType() == SpawnType.HELL)
return true; // We might not care about light level or the block below in the Nether.
return false;
// Checks that are relevant mainly for Overworld spawns.
if(!levelAccessor.getBlockState(blockPos.below()).is(BlockTags.ANIMALS_SPAWNABLE_ON)) return false;
if(!isBrightEnoughToSpawn(levelAccessor, blockPos)) return false;
if(chickensRegistryItem.getSpawnType() == SpawnType.NORMAL)
return levelAccessor.dimensionType().natural();
return true;