


Korean translation file

ssolephant opened this issue · 11 comments


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There were items that were not translated into Korean or there were mistranslated items, so I corrected them myself
It's my first time uploading a translated version to github,,, so I don't know how to upload a file, so I'll copy the file I saved in a txt file and the document written inside

(P.S. If posting translation in this category is not polite, could you tell me how to deliver the translation of the mode?)


"item.croptopia.artichoke": "아티초크",
"item.croptopia.asparagus": "아스파라거스",
"item.croptopia.bellpepper": "피망",
"item.croptopia.blackbean": "검정 강낭콩",
"item.croptopia.blackberry": "블랙베리",
"item.croptopia.blueberry": "블루베리",
"item.croptopia.broccoli": "브로콜리",
"item.croptopia.cabbage": "양배추",
"item.croptopia.cantaloupe": "멜론",
"item.croptopia.cauliflower": "콜리플라워",
"item.croptopia.celery": "샐러리",
"item.croptopia.coffee_beans": "커피 콩",
"item.croptopia.corn": "옥수수",
"item.croptopia.cranberry": "크랜베리",
"item.croptopia.cucumber": "오이",
"item.croptopia.currant": "커런트",
"item.croptopia.eggplant": "가지",
"item.croptopia.elderberry": "엘더베리",
"item.croptopia.garlic": "마늘",
"item.croptopia.grape": "포도",
"item.croptopia.greenbean": "줄콩",
"item.croptopia.greenonion": "파",
"item.croptopia.honeydew": "허니듀",
"item.croptopia.hops": "홉",
"item.croptopia.kale": "케일",
"": "키위",
"item.croptopia.leek": "리크",
"item.croptopia.lettuce": "양상추",
"item.croptopia.olive": "올리브",
"item.croptopia.onion": "양파",
"item.croptopia.peanut": "땅콩",
"item.croptopia.pineapple": "파인애플",
"item.croptopia.radish": "래디쉬",
"item.croptopia.raspberry": "라즈베리",
"item.croptopia.rhubarb": "대황",
"item.croptopia.rice": "쌀",
"item.croptopia.rutabaga": "루타바가",
"item.croptopia.saguaro": "천년초",
"item.croptopia.spinach": "시금치",
"item.croptopia.squash": "땅콩호박",
"item.croptopia.strawberry": "딸기",
"item.croptopia.sweetpotato": "고구마",
"item.croptopia.tomatillo": "토마티요",
"item.croptopia.tomato": "토마토",
"item.croptopia.turnip": "순무",
"item.croptopia.yam": "우베",
"item.croptopia.zucchini": "주키니호박",
"item.croptopia.artichoke_seed": "아티초크 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.asparagus_seed": "아스파라거스 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.bellpepper_seed": "피망 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.blackbean_seed": "검정 강낭콩 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.blackberry_seed": "블랙베리 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.blueberry_seed": "블루베리 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.broccoli_seed": "브로콜리 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.cabbage_seed": "양배추 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.cantaloupe_seed": "멜론 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.cauliflower_seed": "콜리플라워 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.celery_seed": "샐러리 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.coffee_seed": "커피 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.corn_seed": "옥수수 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.cranberry_seed": "크랜베리 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.cucumber_seed": "오이 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.currant_seed": "커런트 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.eggplant_seed": "가지 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.elderberry_seed": "엘더베리 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.garlic_seed": "마늘 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.grape_seed": "포도 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.greenbean_seed": "줄콩 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.greenonion_seed": "파 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.honeydew_seed": "허니듀 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.hops_seed": "홉 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.kale_seed": "케일 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.kiwi_seed": "키위 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.leek_seed": "리크 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.lettuce_seed": "양상추 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.olive_seed": "올리브 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.onion_seed": "양파 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.peanut_seed": "땅콩 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.pineapple_seed": "파인애플 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.radish_seed": "래디쉬 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.raspberry_seed": "라즈베리 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.rhubarb_seed": "대황 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.rice_seed": "쌀 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.rutabaga_seed": "루타바가 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.saguaro_seed": "천년초 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.spinach_seed": "시금치 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.squash_seed": "땅콩호박 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.strawberry_seed": "딸기 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.sweetpotato_seed": "고구마 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.tomatillo_seed": "토마티요 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.tomato_seed": "토마토 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.turnip_seed": "순무 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.yam_seed": "우베 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.zucchini_seed": "주키니호박 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.oat_seed": "오트 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.mustard_seed": "머스타드 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.pepper_seed": "후추 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.turmeric_seed": "강황 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.ginger_seed": "생강 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.basil_seed": "바질 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.chile_pepper_seed": "고추 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.barley_seed": "보리 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.soybean_seed": "대두 씨앗",
"item.croptopia.barley": "보리",
"item.croptopia.oat": "오트",
"item.croptopia.soybean": "대두",
"item.croptopia.grapefruit": "자몽",
"item.croptopia.kumquat": "낑깡",
"": "오렌지",
"item.croptopia.banana": "바나나",
"item.croptopia.persimmon": "감",
"item.croptopia.plum": "자두",
"item.croptopia.cherry": "체리",
"item.croptopia.lemon": "레몬",
"item.croptopia.peach": "복숭아",
"item.croptopia.coconut": "코코넛",
"item.croptopia.nutmeg": "육두구",
"item.croptopia.fig": "무화과",
"item.croptopia.nectarine": "천도복숭아",
"": "망고",
"item.croptopia.dragonfruit": "용과",
"item.croptopia.starfruit": "오렴자",
"item.croptopia.almond": "아몬드",
"item.croptopia.cashew": "캐슈넛",
"item.croptopia.pecan": "피칸",
"item.croptopia.walnut": "호두",
"item.croptopia.avocado": "아보카도",
"item.croptopia.apricot": "살구",
"item.croptopia.pear": "배",
"item.croptopia.lime": "라임",
"": "대추야자",
"item.croptopia.mustard": "머스타드",
"item.croptopia.vanilla": "바닐라",
"item.croptopia.paprika": "고춧가루",
"item.croptopia.pepper": "후추",
"item.croptopia.salt": "소금",
"item.croptopia.turmeric": "강황",
"item.croptopia.ginger": "생강",
"item.croptopia.basil": "바질",
"item.croptopia.chile_pepper": "고추",

"item.croptopia.apple_sapling": "사과나무 묘목",
"item.croptopia.banana_sapling": "바나나나무 묘목",
"item.croptopia.orange_sapling": "오렌지나무 묘목",
"item.croptopia.persimmon_sapling": "감나무 묘목",
"item.croptopia.plum_sapling": "자두나무 묘목",
"item.croptopia.cherry_sapling": "체리나무 묘목",
"item.croptopia.lemon_sapling": "레몬나무 묘목",
"item.croptopia.grapefruit_sapling": "자몽나무 묘목",
"item.croptopia.kumquat_sapling": "낑깡나무 묘목",
"item.croptopia.peach_sapling": "복숭아나무 묘목",
"item.croptopia.coconut_sapling": "코코넛나무 묘목",
"item.croptopia.nutmeg_sapling": "육두구나무 묘목",
"item.croptopia.fig_sapling": "무화과나무 묘목",
"item.croptopia.mango_sapling": "망고나무 묘목",
"item.croptopia.dragonfruit_sapling": "용과나무 묘목",
"item.croptopia.starfruit_sapling": "오렴자나무 묘목",
"item.croptopia.avocado_sapling": "아보카도나무 묘목",
"item.croptopia.apricot_sapling": "살구나무 묘목",
"item.croptopia.pear_sapling": "배나무 묘목",
"item.croptopia.lime_sapling": "라임나무 묘목",
"item.croptopia.date_sapling": "대추야자나무 묘목",
"item.croptopia.nectarine_sapling": "천도복숭아나무 묘목",
"item.croptopia.almond_sapling": "아몬드나무 묘목",
"item.croptopia.cashew_sapling": "캐슈넛나무 묘목",
"item.croptopia.pecan_sapling": "피칸나무 묘목",
"item.croptopia.walnut_sapling": "호두나무 묘목",

"item.croptopia.olive_oil": "올리브유",
"item.croptopia.cheese": "치즈",
"item.croptopia.flour": "밀가루",
"item.croptopia.dough": "반죽",
"item.croptopia.pepperoni": "페퍼로니",
"item.croptopia.butter": "버터",
"item.croptopia.noodle": "면",
"item.croptopia.tofu": "두부",
"item.croptopia.molasses": "당밀",
"item.croptopia.caramel": "캬라멜",
"item.croptopia.chocolate": "초콜릿",
"item.croptopia.tortilla": "또띠아",
"item.croptopia.soy_sauce": "간장",
"item.croptopia.dumpling": "만두",
"item.croptopia.ravioli": "라비올리",
"item.croptopia.salsa": "살사 소스",
"item.croptopia.artichoke_dip": "아티초크 딥소스",
"item.croptopia.grape_juice": "포도 주스",
"item.croptopia.orange_juice": "오렌지 주스",
"item.croptopia.apple_juice": "사과 주스",
"item.croptopia.cranberry_juice": "크랜베리 주스",
"item.croptopia.saguaro_juice": "천년초 주스",
"item.croptopia.tomato_juice": "토마토 주스",
"item.croptopia.melon_juice": "멜론 주스",
"item.croptopia.pineapple_juice": "파인애플 주스",
"": "커피",
"item.croptopia.lemonade": "레몬에이드",
"item.croptopia.limeade": "라임에이드",
"item.croptopia.soy_milk": "두유",
"item.croptopia.strawberry_smoothie": "딸기 스무디",
"item.croptopia.banana_smoothie": "바나나 스무디",
"item.croptopia.kale_smoothie": "케일 스무디",
"item.croptopia.fruit_smoothie": "과일 스무디",
"item.croptopia.chocolate_milkshake": "초코 밀크쉐이크",
"": "맥주",
"": "와인",
"item.croptopia.mead": "벌꿀주",
"item.croptopia.rum": "럼",
"item.croptopia.pumpkin_spice_latte": "펌킨 스파이스 라떼",
"item.croptopia.grape_jam": "포도 잼",
"item.croptopia.strawberry_jam": "딸기 잼",
"item.croptopia.peach_jam": "복숭아 잼",
"item.croptopia.apricot_jam": "살구 잼",
"item.croptopia.blackberry_jam": "블랙베리 잼",
"item.croptopia.blueberry_jam": "블루베리 잼",
"item.croptopia.cherry_jam": "체리 잼",
"item.croptopia.elderberry_jam": "엘더베리 잼",
"item.croptopia.raspberry_jam": "라즈베리 잼",
"item.croptopia.beef_jerky": "소고기 육포",
"item.croptopia.pork_jerky": "돼지고기 육포",
"item.croptopia.kale_chips": "케일칩",
"item.croptopia.potato_chips": "감자칩",
"item.croptopia.steamed_rice": "밥",
"item.croptopia.egg_roll": "에그 롤",
"item.croptopia.french_fries": "감자 튀김",
"item.croptopia.sweet_potato_fries": "고구마 튀김",
"item.croptopia.onion_rings": "어니언 링",
"item.croptopia.raisins": "건포도",
"item.croptopia.doughnut": "도너츠",
"item.croptopia.popcorn": "팝콘",
"item.croptopia.baked_beans": "콩조림",
"item.croptopia.toast": "토스트",
"item.croptopia.cucumber_salad": "오이 샐러드",
"item.croptopia.caesar_salad": "시저 샐러드",
"item.croptopia.leafy_salad": "잎채소 샐러드",
"item.croptopia.fruit_salad": "과일 샐러드",
"item.croptopia.veggie_salad": "야채 샐러드",
"item.croptopia.pork_and_beans": "돼지고기 콩조림",
"item.croptopia.oatmeal": "오트밀",
"item.croptopia.leek_soup": "리크 수프",
"item.croptopia.yoghurt": "요거트",
"item.croptopia.saucy_chips": "감자칩소스콤보",
"item.croptopia.scrambled_eggs": "달걀 스크램블",
"item.croptopia.buttered_toast": "버터를 바른 토스트",
"item.croptopia.toast_with_jam": "잼을 바른 토스트",
"item.croptopia.ham_sandwich": "햄 치즈 샌드위치",
"item.croptopia.peanut_butter_and_jam": "땅콩버터와 잼을 바른 샌드위치",
"item.croptopia.blt": "베이컨 양상추 토마토 샌드위치",
"item.croptopia.grilled_cheese": "치즈 토스트",
"item.croptopia.tuna_sandwich": "참치 샌드위치",
"item.croptopia.cheeseburger": "치즈버거",
"item.croptopia.hamburger": "햄버거",
"item.croptopia.tofuburger": "두부버거",
"": "피자",
"item.croptopia.supreme_pizza": "슈프림 피자",
"item.croptopia.cheese_pizza": "치즈 피자",
"item.croptopia.pineapple_pepperoni_pizza": "하와이안 페퍼로니 피자",
"item.croptopia.lemon_chicken": "레몬 로스트 치킨",
"item.croptopia.fried_chicken": "후라이드 치킨",
"item.croptopia.chicken_and_noodles": "매콤한 치킨 파스타",
"item.croptopia.chicken_and_dumplings": "닭 만두 전골",
"item.croptopia.tofu_and_dumplings": "두부 만두 전골",
"item.croptopia.spaghetti_squash": "땅콩호박 스파게티",
"item.croptopia.chicken_and_rice": "치밥",
"item.croptopia.taco": "타코",
"item.croptopia.sushi": "초밥",
"item.croptopia.apple_pie": "애플파이",
"item.croptopia.yam_jam": "우베 잼",
"item.croptopia.banana_cream_pie": "바나나 크림 파이",
"item.croptopia.candy_corn": "캔디콘",
"item.croptopia.vanilla_ice_cream": "바닐라 아이스크림",
"item.croptopia.strawberry_ice_cream": "딸기 아이스크림",
"item.croptopia.mango_ice_cream": "망고 아이스크림",
"item.croptopia.rum_raisin_ice_cream": "럼 레이즌 아이스크림",
"item.croptopia.cherry_pie": "체리 파이",
"item.croptopia.cheese_cake": "치즈 케이크",
"item.croptopia.brownies": "브라우니",
"item.croptopia.snicker_doodle": "스니커두들",
"item.croptopia.banana_nut_bread": "견과 바나나빵",
"item.croptopia.almond_brittle": "아몬드 브리틀",
"item.croptopia.candied_nuts": "견과 정과",
"item.croptopia.cashew_chicken": "캐슈넛 치킨",
"item.croptopia.nougat": "누가 캔디",
"item.croptopia.nutty_cookie": "견과 쿠키",
"item.croptopia.pecan_ice_cream": "피칸 아이스크림",
"item.croptopia.pecan_pie": "피칸 파이",
"item.croptopia.protein_bar": "단백질바",
"item.croptopia.raisin_oatmeal_cookie": "건포도 오트밀 쿠키",
"item.croptopia.roasted_nuts": "구운 견과",
"item.croptopia.trail_mix": "초코가 들어간 혼합견과",

"item.croptopia.burrito": "부리또",
"item.croptopia.tostada": "토스타다",
"item.croptopia.horchata": "오르차따",
"item.croptopia.carnitas": "까르니따스",
"item.croptopia.fajitas": "파히타",
"item.croptopia.enchilada": "엔칠라다",
"item.croptopia.churros": "츄러스",
"item.croptopia.tamales": "따말레스",
"item.croptopia.tres_leche_cake": "트레스 레체스 케이크",
"item.croptopia.stuffed_poblanos": "속 채운 포블라노 오븐구이",
"item.croptopia.chili_relleno": "칠레 레예노",
"item.croptopia.crema": "사워크림",
"item.croptopia.refried_beans": "프리홀레스 레프리토스",
"item.croptopia.chimichanga": "치미창가",
"item.croptopia.quesadilla": "퀘사디아",

"item.croptopia.cinnamon": "시나몬",
"item.croptopia.corn_husk": "옥수수 껍질",
"item.croptopia.whipping_cream": "휘핑크림",
"item.croptopia.vanilla_seeds": "바닐라 씨앗",

"item.croptopia.cinnamon_sapling": "시나몬나무 묘목",
"item.croptopia.cinnamon_log": "시나몬나무 원목",
"item.croptopia.stripped_cinnamon_log": "껍질 벗긴 시나몬나무 원목",
"item.croptopia.cinnamon_wood": "시나몬나무",
"item.croptopia.stripped_cinnamon_wood": "껍질 벗긴 시나몬나무",

"item.croptopia.shepherds_pie": "셰퍼드 파이",
"item.croptopia.beef_wellington": "비프 웰링턴",
"item.croptopia.fish_and_chips": "피시 앤 칩스",
"item.croptopia.eton_mess": "이튼 메스",
"item.croptopia.tea": "차",
"item.croptopia.cornish_pasty": "코니쉬 패스티",
"item.croptopia.scones": "스콘",
"item.croptopia.figgy_pudding": "무화과 푸딩",
"item.croptopia.treacle_tart": "트리클 타르트",
"item.croptopia.sticky_toffee_pudding": "스티키 토피 푸딩",
"item.croptopia.trifle": "트라이플",
"item.croptopia.water_bottle": "물 통",
"item.croptopia.milk_bottle": "우유 통",
"item.croptopia.tea_leaves": "찻잎",
"item.croptopia.tea_seed": "차나무 씨앗",

"item.croptopia.ajvar": "아이바르 소스",
"item.croptopia.ajvar_toast": "아이바르 소스를 바른 토스트",
"item.croptopia.avocado_toast": "아보카도를 바른 토스트",
"item.croptopia.baked_sweet_potato": "군고구마",
"item.croptopia.baked_yam": "익힌 우베",
"item.croptopia.beef_stew": "비프 스튜",
"item.croptopia.beef_stir_fry": "소고기 볶음",
"item.croptopia.buttered_green_beans": "줄콩 버터 볶음",
"item.croptopia.cheesy_asparagus": "치즈를 뿌린 아스파라거스",
"item.croptopia.chocolate_ice_cream": "초콜릿 아이스크림",
"item.croptopia.cooked_bacon": "익힌 베이컨",
"item.croptopia.eggplant_parmesan": "가지 파르미자냐",
"item.croptopia.fruit_cake": "과일 파운드 케이크",
"item.croptopia.grilled_eggplant": "구운 가지",
"item.croptopia.kiwi_sorbet": "키위 소르베",
"item.croptopia.knife": "중식도",
"item.croptopia.lemon_coconut_bar": "레몬 코코넛 바",
"item.croptopia.nether_wart_stew": "네더 사마귀 스튜",
"item.croptopia.peanut_butter": "땅콩 버터",
"item.croptopia.peanut_butter_with_celery": "샐러리 땅콩버터",
"item.croptopia.potato_soup": "감자 수프",
"item.croptopia.ratatouille": "라따뚜이",
"item.croptopia.bacon": "익히지 않은 베이컨",
"item.croptopia.rhubarb_crisp": "대황 크럼블",
"item.croptopia.rhubarb_pie": "대황 파이",
"item.croptopia.roasted_asparagus": "익힌 아스파라거스",
"item.croptopia.roasted_radishes": "익힌 래디쉬",
"item.croptopia.roasted_squash": "익힌 땅콩호박",
"item.croptopia.roasted_turnips": "익힌 순무",
"item.croptopia.steamed_broccoli": "찐 브로콜리",
"item.croptopia.steamed_green_beans": "찐 줄콩",
"item.croptopia.stir_fry": "채소 볶음",
"item.croptopia.stuffed_artichoke": "속을 채운 아티초크",
"item.croptopia.toast_sandwich": "토스트 샌드위치",

"item.croptopia.roasted_pumpkin_seeds": "볶은 호박씨",
"item.croptopia.roasted_sunflower_seeds": "볶은 해바라기씨",
"item.croptopia.pumpkin_bars": "크림 치즈가 올라간 호박 바",
"item.croptopia.corn_bread": "옥수수 빵",
"item.croptopia.pumpkin_soup": "호박 수프",
"item.croptopia.meringue": "머랭",
"item.croptopia.cabbage_roll": "양배추 롤",
"item.croptopia.borscht": "보르쉬",
"item.croptopia.goulash": "굴라시",
"item.croptopia.beetroot_salad": "비트 샐러드",
"item.croptopia.candied_kumquats": "낑깡 정과",
"item.croptopia.shrimp": "새우",
"item.croptopia.tuna": "참치",
"item.croptopia.calamari": "오징어 다리",
"item.croptopia.crab": "게",
"item.croptopia.roe": "물고기 알",
"item.croptopia.clam": "조개",
"item.croptopia.oyster": "굴",
"item.croptopia.cooked_shrimp": "익힌 새우",
"item.croptopia.cooked_tuna": "익힌 참치",
"item.croptopia.cooked_calamari": "익힌 오징어 다리",
"item.croptopia.steamed_crab": "게찜",
"item.croptopia.glowing_calamari": "발광 오징어 다리",
"item.croptopia.sea_lettuce": "해조",
"item.croptopia.deep_fried_shrimp": "새우 튀김",
"item.croptopia.tuna_roll": "참치 롤",
"item.croptopia.fried_calamari": "오징어 튀김",
"item.croptopia.crab_legs": "게 버터 구이",
"item.croptopia.steamed_clams": "조개 버터 구이",
"item.croptopia.grilled_oysters": "굴 치즈 구이",
"item.croptopia.anchovy": "멸치",
"item.croptopia.cooked_anchovy": "볶은 멸치",
"item.croptopia.anchovy_pizza": "멸치 피자",
"item.croptopia.mashed_potatoes": "매시드포테이토",

"item.croptopia.food_press": "착즙기",
"item.croptopia.frying_pan": "프라이팬",
"item.croptopia.cooking_pot": "냄비",
"item.croptopia.mortar_and_pestle": "손절구",
"": "크롭토피아 가이드북",

"item.croptopia.salt_ore": "소금덩이",

"block.croptopia.salt_ore": "소금덩이",
"block.croptopia.apple_crop": "사과 농작물",
"block.croptopia.banana_crop": "바나나 농작물",
"block.croptopia.orange_crop": "오렌지 농작물",
"block.croptopia.persimmon_crop": "감 농작물",
"block.croptopia.plum_crop": "자두 농작물",
"block.croptopia.cherry_crop": "체리 농작물",
"block.croptopia.lemon_crop": "레몬 농작물",
"block.croptopia.grapefruit_crop": "자몽 농작물",
"block.croptopia.kumquat_crop": "낑깡 농작물",
"block.croptopia.peach_crop": "복숭아 농작물",
"block.croptopia.coconut_crop": "코코넛 농작물",
"block.croptopia.nutmeg_crop": "육두구 농작물",
"block.croptopia.fig_crop": "무화과 농작물",
"block.croptopia.nectarine_crop": "천도복숭아 농작물",
"block.croptopia.mango_crop": "망고 농작물",
"block.croptopia.dragonfruit_crop": "용과 농작물",
"block.croptopia.starfruit_crop": "오렴자 농작물",
"block.croptopia.avocado_crop": "아보카도 농작물",
"block.croptopia.apricot_crop": "살구 농작물",
"block.croptopia.pear_crop": "배 농작물",
"block.croptopia.lime_crop": "라임 농작물",
"block.croptopia.date_crop": "대추야자 농작물",
"block.croptopia.almond_crop": "아몬드 농작물",
"block.croptopia.cashew_crop": "캐슈넛 농작물",
"block.croptopia.pecan_crop": "피칸 농작물",
"block.croptopia.walnut_crop": "호두 농작물",
"block.croptopia.artichoke_crop": "아티초크 농작물",
"block.croptopia.asparagus_crop": "아스파라거스 농작물",
"block.croptopia.barley_crop": "보리 농작물",
"block.croptopia.basil_crop": "바질 농작물",
"block.croptopia.bellpepper_crop": "피망 농작물",
"block.croptopia.blackbean_crop": "검정 강낭콩 농작물",
"block.croptopia.blackberry_crop": "블랙베리 농작물",
"block.croptopia.blueberry_crop": "블루베리 농작물",
"block.croptopia.broccoli_crop": "브로콜리 농작물",
"block.croptopia.cabbage_crop": "양배추 농작물",
"block.croptopia.cantaloupe_crop": "멜론 농작물",
"block.croptopia.cauliflower_crop": "콜리플라워 농작물",
"block.croptopia.celery_crop": "샐러리 농작물",
"block.croptopia.coffee_crop": "커피 농작물",
"block.croptopia.corn_crop": "옥수수 농작물",
"block.croptopia.cranberry_crop": "크랜베리 농작물",
"block.croptopia.cucumber_crop": "오이 농작물",
"block.croptopia.currant_crop": "커런트 농작물",
"block.croptopia.eggplant_crop": "가지 농작물",
"block.croptopia.elderberry_crop": "엘더베리 농작물",
"block.croptopia.garlic_crop": "마늘 농작물",
"block.croptopia.ginger_crop": "생강 농작물",
"block.croptopia.grape_crop": "포도 농작물",
"block.croptopia.greenbean_crop": "줄콩 농작물",
"block.croptopia.greenonion_crop": "파 농작물",
"block.croptopia.honeydew_crop": "허니듀 농작물",
"block.croptopia.hops_crop": "홉 농작물",
"block.croptopia.kale_crop": "케일 농작물",
"block.croptopia.kiwi_crop": "키위 농작물",
"block.croptopia.leek_crop": "리크 농작물",
"block.croptopia.lettuce_crop": "양상추 농작물",
"block.croptopia.mustard_crop": "머스타드 농작물",
"block.croptopia.oat_crop": "오트 농작물",
"block.croptopia.olive_crop": "올리브 농작물",
"block.croptopia.onion_crop": "양파 농작물",
"block.croptopia.peanut_crop": "땅콩 농작물",
"block.croptopia.chile_pepper_crop": "고추 농작물",
"block.croptopia.pineapple_crop": "파인애플 농작물",
"block.croptopia.radish_crop": "래디쉬 농작물",
"block.croptopia.raspberry_crop": "라즈베리 농작물",
"block.croptopia.rhubarb_crop": "대황 농작물",
"block.croptopia.rice_crop": "쌀 농작물",
"block.croptopia.rutabaga_crop": "루타바가 농작물",
"block.croptopia.saguaro_crop": "천년초 농작물",
"block.croptopia.soybean_crop": "대두 농작물",
"block.croptopia.spinach_crop": "시금치 농작물",
"block.croptopia.squash_crop": "땅콩호박 농작물",
"block.croptopia.strawberry_crop": "딸기 농작물",
"block.croptopia.sweetpotato_crop": "고구마 농작물",
"block.croptopia.tomatillo_crop": "토마티요 농작물",
"block.croptopia.tomato_crop": "토마토 농작물",
"block.croptopia.turmeric_crop": "강황 농작물",
"block.croptopia.turnip_crop": "순무 농작물",
"block.croptopia.yam_crop": "우베 농작물",
"block.croptopia.zucchini_crop": "주키니호박 농작물",
"block.croptopia.pepper_crop": "후추 농작물",
"block.croptopia.vanilla_crop": "바닐라 농작물",
"block.croptopia.tea_crop": "찻잎 농작물",
"block.croptopia.apple_sapling": "사과나무 묘목",
"block.croptopia.banana_sapling": "바나나나무 묘목",
"block.croptopia.orange_sapling": "오렌지나무 묘목",
"block.croptopia.persimmon_sapling": "감나무 묘목",
"block.croptopia.plum_sapling": "자두나무 묘목",
"block.croptopia.cherry_sapling": "체리나무 묘목",
"block.croptopia.lemon_sapling": "레몬나무 묘목",
"block.croptopia.grapefruit_sapling": "자몽나무 묘목",
"block.croptopia.kumquat_sapling": "낑깡나무 묘목",
"block.croptopia.peach_sapling": "복숭아나무 묘목",
"block.croptopia.coconut_sapling": "코코넛나무 묘목",
"block.croptopia.nutmeg_sapling": "육두구나무 묘목",
"block.croptopia.fig_sapling": "무화과나무 묘목",
"block.croptopia.nectarine_sapling": "천도복숭아나무 묘목",
"block.croptopia.mango_sapling": "망고나무 묘목",
"block.croptopia.dragonfruit_sapling": "용과나무 묘목",
"block.croptopia.starfruit_sapling": "오렴자나무 묘목",
"block.croptopia.avocado_sapling": "아보카도나무 묘목",
"block.croptopia.apricot_sapling": "살구나무 묘목",
"block.croptopia.pear_sapling": "배나무 묘목",
"block.croptopia.lime_sapling": "라임나무 묘목",
"block.croptopia.date_sapling": "대추야자나무 묘목",
"block.croptopia.almond_sapling": "아몬드나무 묘목",
"block.croptopia.cashew_sapling": "캐슈넛나무 묘목",
"block.croptopia.pecan_sapling": "피칸나무 묘목",
"block.croptopia.walnut_sapling": "호두나무 묘목",
"block.croptopia.cinnamon_sapling": "시나몬나무 묘목",

"block.croptopia.cinnamon_log": "시나몬나무 원목",
"block.croptopia.stripped_cinnamon_log": "껍질 벗긴 시나몬나무 원목",
"block.croptopia.cinnamon_wood": "시나몬나무",
"block.croptopia.stripped_cinnamon_wood": "껍질 벗긴 시나몬나무",

"advancements.croptopia.root.description": "그런 괭이질로는 아무것도 못 할거야",
"advancements.croptopia.getseed.description": "야생 식물을 부숴서 씨앗을 얻으세요",
"advancements.croptopia.getseed.title": "새로운 씨앗",
"advancements.croptopia.getsapling.title": "동구 밖 과수원길",
"advancements.croptopia.getsapling.description": "열매들을 따서 묘목을 만드세요",
"advancements.croptopia.pot.title": "철제 화분?",
"advancements.croptopia.pot.description": "냄비를 만드세요",
"advancements.croptopia.frying_pan.title": "무기 대체불가",
"advancements.croptopia.frying_pan.description": "프라이팬을 만드세요",
"advancements.croptopia.food_press.title": "믹서기가 없을 땐..",
"advancements.croptopia.food_press.description": "착즙기를 만드세요",
"advancements.croptopia.mortar_and_pestle.title": "맷돌은 너무 무거워",
"advancements.croptopia.mortar_and_pestle.description": "손절구를 만드세요",
"advancements.croptopia.eatbig.title": "정성 가득한 음식",
"advancements.croptopia.eatbig.description": "최소 다섯 가지 이상의 재료와 도구로 음식을 만드세요",
"advancements.croptopia.eatcrafted.title": "따뜻한 음식",
"advancements.croptopia.eatcrafted.description": "아무거나 만들어서 먹으세요",
"advancements.croptopia.gather_desert.title": "마르지 않은 씨앗",
"advancements.croptopia.gather_desert.description": "사막에 있는 모든 씨앗을 수집하세요",
"advancements.croptopia.gather_savanna.title": "뜨거운 씨앗",
"advancements.croptopia.gather_savanna.description": "사바나에 있는 모든 씨앗을 수집하세요",
"advancements.croptopia.gather_forest.title": "묘목은 아닌데..",
"advancements.croptopia.gather_forest.description": "숲에 있는 모든 씨앗을 수집하세요",
"advancements.croptopia.gather_jungle.title": "자연 그대로의 씨앗",
"advancements.croptopia.gather_jungle.description": "정글에 있는 모든 씨앗을 수집하세요",
"advancements.croptopia.gather_plains.title": "정말 평범한 씨앗",
"advancements.croptopia.gather_plains.description": "평원에 있는 모든 씨앗을 수집하세요",
"advancements.croptopia.gather_swamp.title": "축축한 씨앗",
"advancements.croptopia.gather_swamp.description": "늪에 있는 모든 씨앗을 수집하세요",
"advancements.croptopia.gather_all.title": "제 2의 종자 저장소",
"advancements.croptopia.gather_all.description": "크롭토피아의 모든 씨앗을 수집하세요",
"advancements.croptopia.getdrinks.title": "화려한 액채",
"advancements.croptopia.getdrinks.description": "아무 음료수를 제작한 뒤 마시세요",
"advancements.croptopia.gather_drinks.title": "평범한 칵테일",
"advancements.croptopia.gather_drinks.description": "모든 음료수들을 마시세요",
"advancements.croptopia.gather_food.title": "음식 평론가",
"advancements.croptopia.gather_food.description": "모든 음식들을 먹으세요",
"advancements.croptopia.knife.title": "슈슉. 슉 슈숙.",
"advancements.croptopia.knife.description": "중식도를 만드세요",

"itemGroup.croptopia.croptopia": "크롭토피아",
"itemGroup.croptopia": "크롭토피아",

"info.croptopia.seed": "이 씨앗은 다음과 같이 분류된 바이옴에서 수집할 수 있습니다 : "


Thank you!😃
I don't need a translation program because I already have a program in use, but thank you for asking


It was a translation that I posted. It's good that the kumquat was translated into 낑깡 (my version was 금귤), but I think the only thing I could correct in the translation I posted was the mistake of writing lettuce as cabbage. Of course, the translation of the attachment is a bit... There's a bit of aggression, but it doesn't look bad if we just modify that part, so can you tell me what the problem was?


Oh, there have been several updates since I posted the translation. But it's a shame that most of the translations I've translated are gone. :(


I'm really sorry.. I thought a Korean supported the Korean translation :0
In fact, while translating with my friends, I was like, 'The Korean who translated this mod had a big problem, so maybe there was a typo while writing it in a hurry?' The previous translation was good enough that I translated it with that thought

There are several reasons why many items have been renamed

The biggest reason was that I wanted to translate all the untranslated items, and I translated the entire English file to minimize any errors that might occur

The second reason was that there was a name that could be used to refer to other plants or think of as typos
If you translate it into a translator, it translates to that crop, but sometimes it's actually a different crop
(For example, 'Black Bean' is a literal translation of '검은 콩', but in Korea, '검은 콩' means 'green kernel black Bean'. This bean has a similar use to 'soybean'
So I heard that foreigners have a lot of trouble when they come to Korea)
This is also a chronic problem with the translator
The name of the crop we thought was a typo was 'Orange'.
'오랜지' and '오렌지' both have the same pronunciation, but due to the foreign notation, '오렌지' became the correct word
There's no problem communicating, but I changed it because other people might think it's a typo

Lastly, is the translation of the "advancements.croptopia.root.description" part where you thought it was aggressive?
an aggressive tone is a translation that a friend strongly claimed
The previous translation was also aggressive, so he insisted on keeping the feeling alive
(The probability of a translation error is very high ;0)
At that time, I thought, "This is enough" because I wrote down what my friend said more softly, but if you still look aggressive, why don't you change it to this?
I think you wanted to convey this message to us

"advancements.croptopia.root.description": "괭이질만으로는 아무것도 얻을 수 없습니다",

In closing, thank you for making a mod that allows you to create such a wide variety of wonderful crops and dishes
This is my favorite mode with friends who really love farming and cooking
And I could feel the love for this mod in the comments, and it felt really good
I can't do much for you, but it's an honor to help you like this
Have a nice day 🍀


I am also Korean. Originally, Croptopia did not support the Korean version. Then, to run the server among my friends, I personally translated it. The challenge item was something I put in as an Easter Egg to enjoy with my friends, and I thought I could pass the rest of it pleasantly, except for some cursing parts.

But it was a little sad to see that even that part flew away.

I will edit the challenge part separately and upload it. Thank you for the translation in line with the latest update.

Oh, if you find it annoying to translate, I will upload the Python translation program that I made myself. It's just typing in the cmd window, but it'll take a lot less effort to translate.


저 그러면, 몇몇 부분만 손봐도 되나요? 너무 번역체스러우면 플레이할 때 지장이 있을거에요.
(Can I edit some parts? Sentences that seem to have been translated can cause users to be rejected.)


당연하죠! 원하시는 어떤거든 바꾸셔도 상관없습니다
(Yes, of course! You can change as much as you want)
오히려 당신이 바꿔주신다면 제작자의 의도가 들어갈테니 사람들에게 전달이 더 잘 될테고, 저도 더욱 마음에 들거예요☺
(Rather, If you change it, the creator's intention will enter, so it will be better to convey the meaning to people, and I will like it even more)


근데 이 파일은 어디서 얻으신거죠? github lang 폴더에는 없는 것으로 나옵니다.


Croptopia/shared/src/main/resources/assets/croptopia/lang/파일에 있는 en_us파일을 확인했어요!
그래도 몇몇개는 번역이 안되길래 모드파일에 있는 lang파일에 있는 en_us를 확인하고 명칭을 확인하고 붙여넣었어요
모드에도 저작권이 있다는 것을 알기때문에 받은 파일을 수정하지 않고, 업데이트가 되길 기다리고 있습니다!


지금 보니 이 모드를 한글화 하시는 분이신 것 같네요.
바로 전까지 한글화 하시는 줄도 몰랐습니다 .
검은 고양이님이 이미 한글화를 하고 있는줄도 모르고 영역을 침범당하신 것 같을 것 같아 이 부분은 정중하게 사과드리고 싶습니다.
그 전에 있던 번역 파일을 생각하지 않고 대부분 번역을 새로한 건도 그렇습니다.

그렇지만 한글화 번역 파일을 올려서 미운 털이 박힌건지 3주가 되도록 계속 트집할걸 찾으셔서 말하는 것 같아 저도 기분이 좋지 않네요..
제가 이러려고 번역 파일을 올렸나 싶기도 하고요.
이 코멘트는 그냥 닫겠습니다. 적용될 것 같지도 않고요.. 많이 울적하네요

한글 번역을 해주신건 감사합니다
