


1 petition and 1 issue haha

K0KE11 opened this issue · 1 comments


Latest 1.16.5


Describe the issue
Can u please add the leaves blocks like the oak one with apple in it so it can be also decorative? I really thing this willl make a nice addition to the game and or mod, also when u try to move the leaf block it crashes and ¿makes everything slow and my minecraft skin it's all black now hahahaha also apparently u can´t mine the leaf block in survival like their are bedrock or sth haha

To Reproduce
A piston pushing the block

Other Mods
Well I have a ton of them but the one that crashes everyhing is Sodium according to the NotEnoughCrashes mod

Additional context
I just wantes to use the block to decor ;( hahaha i hope u add them


I went and tested this out and they didn't crash my game. I also don't want to add them as a decorative block because then people could have apple bushes instead of apple trees.