Mekanism and Immersive Engineering Connected Textures are pink
LazyDope opened this issue ยท 37 comments
Does this happen whenever you run the game and open the world? Or only after reloading resources (e.g changing a resource pack) in-game?
When I open the world, It may have something to do with other mods, but I'm not sure what it could be, as those were the mods that seems to change textures when they were added or removed, I can give a full mod list if needed.
Can you show your log? Do you get any texture errors? cc @aidancbrady
Here is the most recent forge log
Edit: Pastebin missed all the errors in the paste
That doesn't seem like the right log, the Forge log should show a summary of missing textures at the end.
what should the log be named? I just sent "latest.txt" under the logs folder. Did you check the updated log? As when I pasted it the first time the errors weren't included
Here is the updated log again
As expected, that's a negative, but here's a new log either way
Ok, so with the log I sent just before, it doesn't require a texture reload to cause the problem, but with just CTM, Chisel and Optifine it does.
Last I checked, we are having this issue in and we are NOT running Optifine.
Edit: Just loaded up and checked and yes, still having this issue and we are not running optifine.
This happened on a freshly started client. Iirc, I tested it before both with and without resource pack, but I can test again later if you takes a while to load my pack.
Hasn't someone already confirmed that it doesn't? Obviously it's a conflict with another mod...but, respectfully, nobody runs only these mods. And just because it is a conflict with another mod, doesn't mean, again respectfully, that it's not your mod causing the issue, at the very least indirectly. I may not be a dev, but I've been doing this long enough to know that much.
I don't have the time or the desire to test over 250 mods to see which one it is, I just had a complaint from a player of my pack asking about texture issues and did what most people do...tried to narrow down the potential causes based on process of elimination....found threads talking about similar issues...shared my personal findings in said threads.
I don't honestly think I have any other mods in my pack that mess with multiblock/connected I wouldn't really know where to start looking anyway.
This is my pack in it's most recent version, with the only thing missing being Chisel and Connected Textures.
Just further info here, the mod versions in my pack:
-Forge is ver 2655
I just loaded it up with only Chisel missing and these are the results...seems to be CTM causing the problem based on this:
I don't have the time or the desire to test over 250 mods to see which one it is
Honestly that's quite disrespectful. It is your combination of mods. Expecting someone else to find the culprit mod is just lazy - we are busy too.
You can start by searching your fml-client-latest.log
for Examining for coremod candidacy
and try without coremods. Failing that you will need to start removing mods one by one until the error stops (I'd suggest starting with mods that do any special rendering) or doing the inverse and start from a non-bugged world and add mods until it happens.
@thiakil I removed CTM and the error stopped immediately, as stated above. Also since I posted last, there is at least one connected texture with this same issue in the new Thaumcraft Beta for 1.12.
When I stated I don't have the time or the desire, that's literally what I meant. I don't expect someone else to do it, I'm just stating I cannot and will not test over 250 mods for compatibility. It takes like 15-20 minutes to load up the pack. Imagine doing that (potentially) over 250 times.
Removing CTM makes the issue go away. My conclusion from that is that CTM is what's causing the issue...either directly or indirectly.
My conclusion from that is that CTM is what's causing the issue...either directly or indirectly.
That conclusion is flawed, as it has been mentioned (by yourself in fact) that it doesn't occur with just CTM and the affected mod(s). Correlation is not causation. Another mod is interfering with CTM.
Imagine doing that (potentially) over 250 times.
I don't recall saying it would be pleasant. But you do you, deal without CTM for all it matters to us.
Some massive miscommunication going on in this thread.
@xAlicatt Mekanism uses CTM to create its connected textures on those blocks. So obviously removing CTM will solve the issue, because once you do so they are normal models...
Seems to be Barkifier.
I started out with your mods + some that I thought might cause the problem, then when that didn't show the error, I started at the top of the list on the main pack and added those mods to the test pack in groups of 5. When the error went away, I removed the mods from the last grouping 1 by one until the error went away. Then when Barkifier was shown to be a likely culprit, I tried removing Barkifier from the main pack and the error is gone. I've reported to them, and now I'm reporting here, since it's potentially a conflict specifically between your mod and their mod.
In 1.12.2, with the below versions, the problem seems to be fixed.
CTM: MC1.12-
Chisel: MC1.12.2-
Mekanism (Core, Tools, and Generators): 1.12.2-
Optifine: 1.12.2_HD_U_D3
@xAlicatt No I am not, I suppose I should have listed all my mods.
I added Baubles/Thaumcraft when moving from 2611 to 2655...aside from that, nothing new IIRC
I'm running the same versions as ThePuzzlemaker and with or without Optifine present, the issue persists. Changing Mip-Map levels alters how the issue appears, but off <-> 4 and it very much still appears.
I did NOT have this issue before moving from Forge 2611 to 2655 however, with all the same mod versions in play.
@kencinder And you're not running Barkifier?