[Client Crash] Tesselating block model (a random cursed block)
Sewef opened this issue · 6 comments
Hi there.
Me and a friend are playing on a server. He placed a block of Chiseled Stone (Poison Variant) from Chisel and it made us crash everytime we are loading this block.
Here the crash-log : https://pastebin.com/Wnsuxqfb
Here the block :
(I replaced him by a redstone_block using /setblock command from the console)
Placing a Chiseled Stone (Poison) again makes crash again.
Edit : Got another crash by placing another kind of chiseled stone. So the Chiseled Stone (Poison Variant) is not the problem, I guess.
I tried disabled CTM in the config file, but no change. (So mby it's a Chisel bug, idk)
They are Rhodochrosite from NuclearCraft, placed using DraconicEvolution's control "Place Item In World" :þ
Update: it looks like it's the Encased Bricks variant that makes crash. Placing some in the empty space next to the Redstone Block killed us again
I removed those things, placed the floor
I placed again the rhodothing at the bottom of the wall, and I crashed.
I don't get it. At least we have a clue.
I think CTM is trying to get information about the Draconic Evolution placed item, and DE is returning invalid information for some reason.