Culinary Construct (Forge/Fabric/Quilt)

Culinary Construct (Forge/Fabric/Quilt)


[Feature request] The ability to create one-block foods like cakes

GrzechuGrek opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Hi. I want to suggest to add a possibility of create a one-block food like cakes. Well, it would be a cake, but it might as well be lasagne or... pizza(?). ;)
As base this would be a wheat(as flour for cake base or pasta) and as additional ingredients would be a any edible food and well as...
... some non-edible in MC, powderlike items like sugar, gunpowder, redstone dust, glowstone dust, blazepowder, etc for additional effect. Eggs and milk can be uses as well as filler or something...
There would be get just one cake/lasange block as product.

Such created block of food can be placed like cake and eat piece for piece like same it.
This would have a advantages of vanilla cake - can be used for instant eat(without search any food in inventory or chests) or just for decoration.

Moreover, additional effect during eat would be depending on the non-edible ingredient added. And so for example:

  • Cake with gunpowder would give for player another extra random 1-3 food points per piece eat, but if his food level excess a maximum, then player just will blow up! :D
    If more gunpowder was used for cake then extra food points gained for player would be a 2-4, 3-6, 4-8, etc.

  • Cake with blazepowder will give a short-lived strenght potion effect, but there is a chance that the player will catch fire.
    More blaze powder used for cake, then higher level of strengh player will get, but chanse for catch fire will increase too.

  • Cake with sugar would give a short-lived speed and haste potion level, but there would be a chance for hunger effect and long-lived nausea effect.

And so on... no risk, no fun :)


this also unlock the possiblity to make cullinary construct have datapacks based recipes that can take non ingestable items such as diamond or something, since i had a mod that adds Oister but you cant eat it nor process it to something else even though based on real life you can eat Oister


Perhaps for things that have more than 20 hunger or saturation points, it owudl be useful becasue you could make it give the food values divided by (howevermany slices are in a cake) so for example a 100 food 120 saturation food item could give like 20 saturation adn however much food per slice


I want to keep Culinary Construct pretty simple so I'd rather not include additional effects based on ingredients. However, the idea of including a way to construct a block-based food item in general makes a lot of sense and that'll be something I'll look into.