Curios API (Fabric)

Curios API (Fabric)


Not sure if bug or me

FizixInt opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I'm trying to integrate Curios into my mod. I'm not sure if there is a bug, a problem or if it's something I'm going wrong.

I'm running Minecraft 1.14.4, on Forge 28.1.0

I've created 2 curio slots "neck" and "ring", these display in the UI nicely. I've also created custom ring items and their json's. hese rings are accepted into the Curios ring slot.

In my ringItem class, I have an onCurioTick override. When I equip a ring item into the slot, it isn't firing the curioTick event. It also isn't firing the equip and remove events.

public void onCurioTick(String identifier, int index, LivingEntity livingEntity)
LOGGER.debug("Curio Ring Item Tick");

I'm not sure whether I'm setting it up incorrectly or whether there is an issue
^ this doesn't fire when requipped.

For more detail...

My item registry class:

public static Item RING_GARNET = new CeRingItem("ring_garnet", ItemGroup.COMBAT, EAManager.RING_GARNET_S);

public static Item RING_RUBY = new CeRingItem("ring_ruby", ItemGroup.COMBAT, EAManager.RING_RUBY_S);

The CeRingItem class:
public class CeRingItem extends Item implements ICurio
private String itemName;
private List abilityScheme;

public CeRingItem(String name, ItemGroup useGroup, List<EAScheme> abilityScheme)
    super(new Item.Properties()
    this.setRegistryName(new ResourceLocation(Cerulean.MODID, name));

    this.itemName = name;
    this.abilityScheme = abilityScheme;

public void onCurioTick(String identifier, int index, LivingEntity livingEntity)
    LOGGER.debug("Curio Ring Item Tick");

public void onEquipped(String identifier, LivingEntity entityLivingBase) {

    LOGGER.debug("Curio Ring Item Equipped");

public void onUnequipped(String identifier, LivingEntity entityLivingBase) {

    LOGGER.debug("Curio Ring Item Removed");



Do not implement the ICurio interface directly. It's meant to be used as a capability. See my comment here: #13 (comment)