Curios API (Fabric)

Curios API (Fabric)


need help

driftirl opened this issue ยท 4 comments


hi i cant seem to put on other armor can someone please help

#List of curio slot type settings
identifier = "head"
override = true
hasCosmetic = true

identifier = "createplus.goggle_slot"
override = true
priority = 3
locked = true
size = 1
hasCosmetic = true

identifier = "necklace"
override = true
hasCosmetic = true

identifier = "back"
override = true
hasCosmetic = true

identifier = "body"
override = true
hasCosmetic = true

identifier = "hands"
size = 2
override = true
hasCosmetic = true

identifier = "ring"
size = 3
override = true
hasCosmetic = true

identifier = "belt"
override = true
hasCosmetic = true

identifier = "charm"
override = true
hasCosmetic = true

identifier = "feet"
override = true
hasCosmetic = true

identifier = "bracelet"
override = true
size = 0

identifier = "glasses"
override = true
size = 0


the only thing i can equip is the elytra in the back slot no other slot works

Just make sure you follow steps 3 and 4 if you are making your own slots that aren't natively supported by the API. I hope that helps.


Did you make sure to tag the items you're trying to equip with the appropriate slot tag? Or that they natively come tagged already? Items that can be equipped will have the Slot: ___ tooltip under their name with the appropriate slots.


Did you make sure to tag the items you're trying to equip with the appropriate slot tag? Or that they natively come tagged already? Items that can be equipped will have the Slot: ___ tooltip under their name with the appropriate slots.

im kind of new to the whole editing of mods can u please explain what u mean please