No Ring Slots - Cannot Add
QueenCorbeau opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Versions (Be specific, do not write "latest"):
- Curios: curios-forge-1.18.2-
- Forge/Fabric: Forge 40.1.68
Observed Behavior: I have no ring slots, nor can I add them with the /curios commands.
Expected Behavior: I am using the gobber individual mods "Ring of Repair" and "Ring of Attraction," both for Forge. The rings work fine when in my main inventory, but I wanted to put them in Curio slots, as I've done in the past, but there are no slots for them. I also tried to add "curio" slots to see if I could get the rings to go into those, but those slots are likewise unavailable.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Updated mods and Forge engine and restarted client.
- Made new world, but the issue persists.
- Disabled majority of the other mods I have installed, and it persisted.
Crash Log: Nothing crashed, so there is no crash log. It was just an issue of the slots not being available as expected.
They both say Slot: Ring when I hover over the items, so I assumed, perhaps incorrectly, that they would add the appropriate slots. Failing that, when not given the slots outright previously, I was able to use the /curios add ring command in game to add them manually, but that wasn't working either. I'll check the configs to see if there's something I missed there.
Have you verified that the Ring of Repair and Ring of Attraction actually are supposed to add ring slots? From what I can tell, they do not and thus this behavior is expected. In that case, you would need to add a mod that adds ring slots and/or add ring slots yourself using the config as described here: https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Curios/wiki/How-to-Use:-Users