Curios API (Forge/NeoForge)

Curios API (Forge/NeoForge)


isItemValid method on the result of CuriosApi.getCuriosHelper().getEquippedCurios returns true when the itemstack is not valid

Lothrazar opened this issue · 2 comments


Versions (Be specific, do not write "latest"):



I have an item stack that IS a curio, but only one type.

I want to Equip an itemstack onto a player, in a Curios slot that is valid and matches that type


First get the curios capability with the API:

Then loop on those slots, check if the item stack is valid, and if so, do the insert.

Expected result:

If my item is a "ring" only, and the slot is a "feet" slot, I expect isItemValid to return false.

Actual result:

It returns true, which implies that rings are valid to be placed into feet slots

Source code link:

Am i using the curios API wrong?

If there is a better way to equip a curio onto a players slot, OR if there is a better way to check if my itemstack is compatible with the current slot, please let me know


ICuriosHelper#getEquippedCurios only returns a wrapper of currently equipped curios, not the actual curios inventory itself. For that, you're looking for ICuriosHelper#getCuriosHandler.

For your implementation, it'd look something like this:

Set<String> tags = CuriosApi.getCuriosHelper().getCurioTags(stack.getItem());

CuriosApi.getCuriosHelper().getCuriosHandler(livingEntity).ifPresent(handler -> {
  Map<String, ICurioStacksHandler> curios = handler.getCurios();
  for (String tag : tags) {
    ICurioStacksHandler curioStacks = curios.get(tag);
    if (curioStacks != null) {
      IDynamicStackHandler stacks = curioStacks.getStacks();
      for (int i = 0; i < stacks.getSlots(); i++) {
        // Do the thing

Basically, use the curio tags to retrieve the right ICurioStacksHandler instances so that your types always match and loop through the result of ICurioStacksHandler#getStacks, which returns an IDynamicStackHandler (which extends IItemHandlerModifiable).


Worked perfectly, thanks!