[1.20.1]: Game crashes upon world deletion
MaybeNovice opened this issue ยท 3 comments
- Minecraft Version: 1.20.1
- Forge Version: 47.2.17
- Custom Advancements Version: 7.0.8
Describe the bug
Games crashes upon world deletion. When skipping world deletion and going straight into world creation, advancements aren't loaded correctly. In the config, blacklist is set to whitelist so no modded advancments should be enabled but they appear in the advancments tab. Custom advancement roots still functions but no child advancement appears.
Steps to reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Have Not Enough Crashes installed so game does not fully crash
- Delete previously created world
- Game crash
- Return to menu using Not Enough Crashes
- Attempt world creation
- Open the advancements tab to check if mod still runs correctly
I have reproduced this issue twice and every time the game crashes and the mod does not function correctly.
Screenshots and Logs
Additional context
I have 375 additional mods installed.
Hi, I reopened this because this issue seems to be related to issue #14. They both seem to be caused by the same bug. So I will keep it open until it's fixed with the next update.