[BUG] Broken when Sodium 0.4.9
bluegreensea opened this issue ยท 1 comments
- I am using the latest version of CEM
Describe the bug
Sodium 0.4.9 made CEM-supporting mobs broken.
Expected behavior
Expected mobs are not to be broken
CEM without Sodium / CEM with Sodium 0.4.8 / OptiFine
CEM with Sodium 0.4.9
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: Arch Linux
- Java Version: 17.0.6
- Minecraft Version: 1.19.3
Additional context
#115 's extend
resource pack: test.zip
installed mods:
- cem-0.7.2.jar
- sodium-fabric-mc1.19.3-0.4.9+build.23.jar / 0.4.8 / not install