Custom FoV (Fabric/Forge/Quilt)

Custom FoV (Fabric/Forge/Quilt)


[1.15.2] Going underwater makes everything on screen go upside down + texture seizure.

Gbergz opened this issue ยท 8 comments



  • Custom FoV: 1.15.2-3.0
  • Forge: 31.1.0

Observed Behavior: Going into water makes it as Title says.

Expected Behavior: Screen not having a seizure & going upside down.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Spawn into a world.
  2. Step into 2 blocks deep water.
  3. Observe.
    .. blind.

Edit: Here's a preview:
And being upside down:
Crash Log: No crash logs.


I can't reproduce this. What are your config settings? If they're default, then do you have any other mods installed?


I've reproduced this on a clean instance with default settings.
EDIT: Actually not completely default. Changed the FOV to 80. (Sorry.)


Ah ok, changing the FoV to 80 reproduces it. I'll look into a fix.


Appears the same issue is present on the 1.14.4 version. Any FOV over 80 makes your arm 2 meters long & turns your view upside down and also it has another texture seizure.

EDIT: Also 'Normal' FOV turns the arm 2 meters long aswell. And the FOV doesn't seem normal.

Minecraft: 1.14.4
Forge: 28.2.0
CustomFov: 1.14.4-2.0


Yes i'm on a clean instance. Look here at the arm in water here:
2020-02-14_21 52 49

Normal Arm:
2020-02-14_21 53 51

The arm issue is also fixed on the 1.15.2 version.
Along with the FoV issue, thanks for that btw. :)


Oh okay, I understand now. I just put out the same fix for 1.14.4 as 1.15.2 so the issue should be resolved on both ends.


Thanks for the quick updates, much appreciated! :)


I can reproduce the same issue from 1.15.2, likely from the same bug in the code. However, I can't reproduce the "turning arm 2 meters long" aspect, and 'Normal' FoV seems normal to me. Are you testing that on a clean instance also?