Customizable Player Models

Customizable Player Models


Game crashes when loading Singleplayer world (Fabric 1.19)

DaBlincx opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Hello, my game crashes every time I try loading a singleplayer world with exactly the same error message. Multiplayer works fine for some reason, just singleplayer crashes. And sometimes the world loads a little bit and I can see 2 chunks or something but then it crashes again.

Game version: 1.19

This is the error message in the MC Launcher:

The game crashed whilst exception in server tick loop
Error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'void net.minecraft.class_3244.method_14369(net.minecraft.class_2596, net.minecraft.class_7648)'

This is the crash report:

---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// Don't be sad, have a hug! <3

Time: 8/6/22, 3:26 PM
Description: Exception in server tick loop

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'void net.minecraft.class_3244.method_14369(net.minecraft.class_2596, net.minecraft.class_7648)'
	at com.tom.cpm.common.ServerHandler.sendToAllTrackingAndSelf(
	at com.tom.cpm.common.ServerHandler.lambda$static$2(
	at net.minecraft.class_1255.method_18859(
	at net.minecraft.class_4093.method_18859(
	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_24306(
	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_18859(
	at net.minecraft.class_1255.method_16075(
	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_20415(
	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_16075(
	at net.minecraft.class_1255.method_5383(
	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_16208(
	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_29741(
	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_29739(
	at java.base/

A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:

-- System Details --
	Minecraft Version: 1.19
	Minecraft Version ID: 1.19
	Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0
	Java Version: 17.0.3, Microsoft
	Java VM Version: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Microsoft
	Memory: 356556448 bytes (340 MiB) / 2147483648 bytes (2048 MiB) up to 2147483648 bytes (2048 MiB)
	CPUs: 6
	Processor Vendor: AuthenticAMD
	Processor Name: AMD Ryzen 5 3500X 6-Core Processor             
	Identifier: AuthenticAMD Family 23 Model 113 Stepping 0
	Microarchitecture: unknown
	Frequency (GHz): 3.59
	Number of physical packages: 1
	Number of physical CPUs: 6
	Number of logical CPUs: 6
	Graphics card #0 name: Radeon RX 580 Series
	Graphics card #0 vendor: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (0x1002)
	Graphics card #0 VRAM (MB): 4095.00
	Graphics card #0 deviceId: 0x67df
	Graphics card #0 versionInfo: DriverVersion=30.0.13023.4001
	Memory slot #0 capacity (MB): 8192.00
	Memory slot #0 clockSpeed (GHz): 3.20
	Memory slot #0 type: DDR4
	Memory slot #1 capacity (MB): 8192.00
	Memory slot #1 clockSpeed (GHz): 3.20
	Memory slot #1 type: DDR4
	Virtual memory max (MB): 31675.46
	Virtual memory used (MB): 20796.98
	Swap memory total (MB): 15360.00
	Swap memory used (MB): 507.91
	JVM Flags: 9 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xss1M -Xmx2G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M
	Fabric Mods: 
		architectury: Architectury 5.8.29
		authme: Auth Me 4.0.0
		autoreconnect: AutoReconnect 2.1.0-beta
		baritone: Baritone 1.8.3-125-g9c2134e6
		brb: Better Recipe Book 1.6.0
		chest-boat-dupe: Chest Boat Dupe 1.0.0
		cloth-config: Cloth Config v6 7.0.72
			cloth-basic-math: cloth-basic-math 0.6.1
		cmdkeybind: Command Macros 1.5.4-1.19
			kyrptconfig: Kyrpt Config 1.4.6-1.19
				blue_endless_jankson: jankson 1.2.1
		cpm: Customizable Player Models 0.4.5b
		craftpresence: CraftPresence 1.8.8
		fabric: Fabric API 0.57.0+1.19
			fabric-api-base: Fabric API Base 0.4.9+e62f51a3a9
			fabric-api-lookup-api-v1: Fabric API Lookup API (v1) 1.6.7+9ff28f40a9
			fabric-biome-api-v1: Fabric Biome API (v1) 9.0.14+b2a4a624a9
			fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1: Fabric BlockRenderLayer Registration (v1) 1.1.18+9ff28f40a9
			fabric-command-api-v1: Fabric Command API (v1) 1.2.6+f71b366fa9
			fabric-command-api-v2: Fabric Command API (v2) 2.1.2+0d55f585a9
			fabric-commands-v0: Fabric Commands (v0) 0.2.23+df3654b3a9
			fabric-containers-v0: Fabric Containers (v0) 0.1.27+df3654b3a9
			fabric-content-registries-v0: Fabric Content Registries (v0) 3.2.0+07df213ea9
			fabric-convention-tags-v1: Fabric Convention Tags 1.0.8+37622d24a9
			fabric-crash-report-info-v1: Fabric Crash Report Info (v1) 0.2.3+bd0a0d4aa9
			fabric-data-generation-api-v1: Fabric Data Generation API (v1) 5.1.1+a680b9b4a9
			fabric-dimensions-v1: Fabric Dimensions API (v1) 2.1.28+a6d2f785a9
			fabric-entity-events-v1: Fabric Entity Events (v1) 1.4.16+9ff28f40a9
			fabric-events-interaction-v0: Fabric Events Interaction (v0) 0.4.26+9ff28f40a9
			fabric-events-lifecycle-v0: Fabric Events Lifecycle (v0) 0.2.25+df3654b3a9
			fabric-game-rule-api-v1: Fabric Game Rule API (v1) 1.0.19+18990361a9
			fabric-item-api-v1: Fabric Item API (v1) 1.5.4+767db26ea9
			fabric-item-groups-v0: Fabric Item Groups (v0) 0.3.25+9ff28f40a9
			fabric-key-binding-api-v1: Fabric Key Binding API (v1) 1.0.18+9ff28f40a9
			fabric-keybindings-v0: Fabric Key Bindings (v0) 0.2.16+df3654b3a9
			fabric-lifecycle-events-v1: Fabric Lifecycle Events (v1) 2.1.0+33fbc738a9
			fabric-loot-api-v2: Fabric Loot API (v2) 1.1.0+03a4e568a9
			fabric-loot-tables-v1: Fabric Loot Tables (v1) 1.1.3+9e7660c6a9
			fabric-message-api-v1: Fabric Message API (v1) 1.0.1+513f4a59a9
			fabric-mining-level-api-v1: Fabric Mining Level API (v1) 2.1.10+33fbc738a9
			fabric-models-v0: Fabric Models (v0) 0.3.15+9ff28f40a9
			fabric-networking-api-v1: Fabric Networking API (v1) 1.0.27+7fe97409a9
			fabric-networking-v0: Fabric Networking (v0) 0.3.14+df3654b3a9
			fabric-object-builder-api-v1: Fabric Object Builder API (v1) 4.0.7+9ff28f40a9
			fabric-particles-v1: Fabric Particles (v1) 1.0.8+dc39553aa9
			fabric-registry-sync-v0: Fabric Registry Sync (v0) 0.9.17+23c4cfefa9
			fabric-renderer-api-v1: Fabric Renderer API (v1) 1.0.8+9ff28f40a9
			fabric-renderer-indigo: Fabric Renderer - Indigo 0.6.9+1f92344ea9
			fabric-renderer-registries-v1: Fabric Renderer Registries (v1) 3.2.18+df3654b3a9
			fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1: Fabric Rendering Data Attachment (v1) 0.3.12+9ff28f40a9
			fabric-rendering-fluids-v1: Fabric Rendering Fluids (v1) 3.0.5+9ff28f40a9
			fabric-rendering-v0: Fabric Rendering (v0) 1.1.20+df3654b3a9
			fabric-rendering-v1: Fabric Rendering (v1) 1.10.14+9ff28f40a9
			fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1: Fabric Resource Conditions API (v1) 2.0.9+e62f51a3a9
			fabric-resource-loader-v0: Fabric Resource Loader (v0) 0.5.5+a6d2f785a9
			fabric-screen-api-v1: Fabric Screen API (v1) 1.0.24+f05effafa9
			fabric-screen-handler-api-v1: Fabric Screen Handler API (v1) 1.2.6+9ff28f40a9
			fabric-textures-v0: Fabric Textures (v0) 1.0.18+9ff28f40a9
			fabric-transfer-api-v1: Fabric Transfer API (v1) 2.0.9+e62f51a3a9
			fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1: Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1) 1.1.1+9e7660c6a9
		fabricloader: Fabric Loader 0.14.8
		iris: Iris 1.2.5
			org_anarres_jcpp: jcpp 1.4.14
		java: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 17
		litematica: Litematica 0.11.3
		lithium: Lithium 0.8.0
		logical_zoom: Logical Zoom 0.0.15
		malilib: MaLiLib 0.12.1
		minecraft: Minecraft 1.19
		minihud: MiniHUD 0.22.0
		modmenu: Mod Menu 4.0.0
		mousewheelie: Mouse Wheelie 1.10.1+mc1.19-pre1
			amecsapi: Amecs API 1.3.6+mc22w17a
			coat: Coat 1.0.0-beta.18+mc22w17a
			tweed4_annotated: tweed4_annotated 1.3.1+mc22w17a
			tweed4_base: tweed4_base 1.6.0+mc22w17a
			tweed4_data: tweed4_data 1.2.1+mc22w17a
			tweed4_data_hjson: tweed4_data_hjson 1.1.1+mc22w17a
			tweed4_tailor_coat: tweed4_tailor_coat 1.1.3+mc22w17a
			tweed4_tailor_screen: tweed4_tailor_screen 1.1.1+mc22w17a
		no_fog: No Fog 1.3.0+1.16.5-1.19
		phosphor: Phosphor 0.8.1
		quickcraft: Quickcraft 1.2.5
		roughlyenoughitems: Roughly Enough Items 9.1.503
		seedcrackerx: SeedCrackerX 2.13
			com_seedfinding_latticg: latticg 1.6
			com_seedfinding_mc_biome: mc_biome b2271807a047bb43ac60c8c20ad47e315f19b9a6
			com_seedfinding_mc_core: mc_core 706e4f1b7aa6b42b3627f682a311d06280d80b5c
			com_seedfinding_mc_feature: mc_feature ef939c0dd7d66ab1bd290d6aab1e42a12cb3dbf1
			com_seedfinding_mc_math: mc_math 0eb505174da8a92550f8ec6efe254e0fa936cc0d
			com_seedfinding_mc_noise: mc_noise a6ab8e6c688491829f8d2adf845392da22ef8e9c
			com_seedfinding_mc_reversal: mc_reversal 2.0.0
			com_seedfinding_mc_seed: mc_seed 5518e3ba3ee567fb0b51c15958967f70a6a19e02
			com_seedfinding_mc_terrain: mc_terrain 9e937ddb838e28e79423c287fa18b1ce66f061d7
		shulker-dupe: Shulker Dupe 1.0.0
		shulkerboxtooltip: Shulker Box Tooltip 3.0.10+1.19
			mm: Manningham Mills 2.3
		sodium: Sodium 0.4.2+build.16
			org_joml_joml: joml 1.10.4
		tweakeroo: Tweakeroo 0.13.3
		voicechat: Simple Voice Chat 1.19-2.2.45
		worldedit: WorldEdit 7.2.11-beta-02+315c5d0
		xaerominimap: Xaero's Minimap 22.11.1
		xray: XrayMod 2.0.1
	Loaded Shaderpack: (off)
	Server Running: true
	Player Count: 1 / 8; [class_3222['DaBlincx'/8465, l='ServerLevel[affinity world build test]', x=-2010.07, y=104.00, z=-860.51]]
	Data Packs: vanilla, Fabric Mods
	World Generation: Stable
	Type: Integrated Server (map_client.txt)
	Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fabric'; Server brand changed to 'fabric'
	Launched Version: fabric-loader-0.14.8-1.19

I am very sure that this is due to CPM because when I remove this mod everything works fine.


You have to use 0.4.5a on Minecraft 1.19
0.4.5b is for 1.19.1.