Customizable Player Models

Customizable Player Models


[enhancement] If Then animations

RedRain0o0 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


If Then animations that could be used for certain triggers.

EG: If playing [speaking] animation, Then unhide (Mouth Talking).

This would be useful for talking especially because it's based on audio level for what frame plays. With If Then, you could instead have it unhide part of your model which has a global animation making it talk in a more cohesive way. Or, it could make a speech bubble above your head.

Another use for it could be based on in-game things.

EG: If {Inventory open}, Then play [Pose: Inventory].

This use would be cool for immersion, as you would be able to see when friends open their inventory.

Other triggers could be:

  • Chat open
  • Part Unhidden [Chose part in menu similar to CT menu]
  • Animation Playing [Chose animation in menu]
  • Weather Condition
  • Holding Tool [Type in textbox "{ModID}:{Item}". Eg: "minecraft:diamond_sword". Would also work with tags. Eg: "#orange_dye"]