Customizable Player Models

Customizable Player Models


Exporting problems (Resolved after some tinkering)

UndauntedK opened this issue ยท 1 comments


While tinkering with animations, I ran into a problem where I can't export, test the project in-game, or update the gist.

I have tried-

Exporting with a new (doesn't update) and old name (doesn't make a new .png)
Saving the project as a new one
Removing certain animations
Removing certain blocks/parts

Even with the latest version of the mod, the problem persists.

I'm unsure what exactly caused this problem, but I feel it might be a problem others might've encountered and it could be looked into.

Alright after converting the vanilla parts for the second time, that seemed to fix it


I would assume messing with the head after converting it for the first time might've cause the mod to think there wasn't a head there initially?