- 0
1.19.2 crash due to More Babies mod, "pose stack not empty"
#289 opened by yushicus - 1
Held item position bug
#290 opened by Azzarg - 0
Model fails to load when joining server
#291 opened by Sh0otgun - 3
fix the fact that clients don't receive the correct states for gestures when loading other player's models
#294 opened by chyzman - 0
[Compability] Compability with epic fight mod
#295 opened by bruhicantlogin - 2
the game crashes when change to thirdperson using rubidium on the last version of 1.18.2
#292 opened by LouisDkat - 1
1.19.2 Skin Editor gives some error when i want to open it
#293 opened by kirillstrizhak - 4
[Compability] Glowing parts Compability with shaders
#300 opened by bruhicantlogin - 1
Bug with displaying a sleeping character on behalf of other players
#296 opened by Re-e-e - 0
[Suggestions] Hitbox creation and particles on animation
#297 opened by bruhicantlogin - 3
Pluging Problem .cpmproject
#298 opened by KimiQ83 - 0
CustomPlayerModels incompatibility with autohud
#299 opened by Unrestricted-User - 2
1.12.2 major issues (Pack: Enigmatica 2 Expert)
#304 opened by SlashXRed - 1
Not showing the actual model
#305 opened by Psychodeus - 1
I can't play with cpm
#306 opened by UnaTried - 2
Glowing Parts Become 2D
#302 opened by JoyousCreeper1059 - 0
blockbench export parents nodes very strangely
#303 opened by chipsams - 2
Loop buged?
#307 opened by Psychodeus - 1
first person model render
#308 opened by LOLZSICKA - 3
(1.12.2) Most modded armour renders improperly even when using a vanilla skin.
#309 opened by WildArticunoAppeared - 0
[Suggestion]Allowing more Pehkui Scale types
#310 opened by Demintika - 1
Entire head glows when effect is applied
#311 opened by Lemonwaterie - 1
Parent armors to bodyparts/specific cubes
#312 opened by DuendeInexistente - 0
Settin animation cycles to play on multiple actions
#313 opened by DuendeInexistente - 3
Not bright enough!
#314 opened by FurryRbl - 1
Models failed to load
#315 opened by Lalloyd7859 - 1
Invert Y axis controls option
#317 opened by zndrmn - 1
Animation Breaking after exporting from BlockBench
#316 opened by BloodS1ash - 2
Unable to start game crashing on startup
#318 opened by imAuriss - 5
Latest iris causing glow errors.
#320 opened by netcore10 - 0
[Suggestion] Overlaying or combining models
#321 opened by slash-dot-slash - 2
Client render crash 1.19.2 (Replay mod mixin issue i think - also says animation)
#322 opened by netcore10 - 2
Animation priority doesn't always apply to [Hidden by default] or the [Visible] button in the animation frame editor
#323 opened by bfreezie - 1
(fabric) 1.19.2 Cosmetica crash
#324 opened by micuit-cuit - 0
[compatability] support for keymap modifier keys?
#334 opened by netcore10 - 0
Copying Poses
#325 opened by Naj-Rago - 2
Held items bug [Fabric-1.19.3-0.6.1a]
#326 opened by bfreezie - 1
Armor does not render properly in 1.19.3 / 0.6.1a
#327 opened by LogicalJoe - 0
CPM Web Editor Simplified Chinese interface font rendering error
#328 opened by FurryRbl - 2
Glow layer rendering errors
#330 opened by netcore10 - 0
[enhancement] Multiple setup / finish animations? - randomation
#329 opened by netcore10 - 1
Render crash (again) 1.19.2
#331 opened by netcore10 - 1
Glow Issues in 1.18.2
#332 opened by Samwych - 1
Editor model fails to load when testing in game
#335 opened by hackercat27 - 0
Requesting feature which checks the player's condition to play different animations
#336 opened by FumpleWumper - 6
Compatibility Crash with Supplementaries.
#337 opened by Jusey1 - 1
Too large models
#338 opened by TedAlter - 0
Animated cubes displaying as black
#339 opened by Dan1Rambles - 1
[feature request] allow custom mobs
#340 opened by Azulberry9119 - 0
CPM Blockbench Plugin issue
#341 opened by shizotoaster