More placeholders
sudofox opened this issue ยท 4 comments
I have a number of Minecraft accounts that I use to run various farms while AFK. It'd be useful to be able to set things like the current logged-in username, the server, maybe a custom {status} string reconfigurable at runtime (e.g. /windowtitle status Running oak log farm
) and so on to make it easy to figure out which Minecraft instance is supposed to be doing what.
Why is there an Issue with this Idea, if you were to just use
for example an Mixin everytime you would open a Gui, because Minecraft would change its title, the title of the window would change.
@Inject(method = "getWindowTitle", at = @at("HEAD"), cancellable = true)
private void getWindowTitle(final CallbackInfoReturnable callbackInfo){
If you want, I could add a pull-request adding this feature.
Why is there an Issue with this Idea, if you were to just use for example an Mixin everytime you would open a Gui, because Minecraft would change its title, the title of the window would change. @Inject(method = "getWindowTitle", at = @at("HEAD"), cancellable = true) private void getWindowTitle(final CallbackInfoReturnable callbackInfo){ callbackInfo.setReturnValue(config.getTitle())); } If you want, I could add a pull-request adding this feature.
That does not solve hooking into the command system to change the title. I'm not interested in maintaining that complexity.