


the mod blocks outline from other mods

wackoamd1 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


i love this mod , there is however a small problem with it.

for instance.
overlays from mods are being blocked by this mod.
i first noticed this with ee3 where u have to use the chalk to make the table , it doesnt show the chalk drawing before placing.
when u get the builderwand from extar utilities it also doesnt show the outline.

now i started infinity evolved skyblock and got the trofee for a bucket.
with this mod it doesnt show the overlay/ghost image of the trofee , when i disable CSB it does show the overlay/ghost image.

could u take a look at this cause i really like CSB but it blocks to many mods that use overlays/ghostimages


Cases like these are pretty hard to fix, I think.
The way the override works ( source ) is that I cancel the event entirely (so that vanilla rendering doesn't happen).
But I think I could improve compatibility by setting my event's priority to "LOWEST".
More info on how they work (for myself, mostly) in this blog post.


That is very interesting... I didn't think they would use the same method.
Thank you for pointing this out - I will look into it.


I'd like to add to this with for example vanilla stairs. You can't see how the block will be placed.