Cape skin not loading
BugsReporter opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Every time I load the map, the cape skin is just on base skin, when I reload it, it just loads the mod skin, but on a while
[2020-08-17 12:41:15] [Render thread INFO] CustomSkinLoader 14.12
[2020-08-17 12:41:15] [Render thread INFO] DataDir: C:\Users\HOST\AppData\Roaming.minecraft\CustomSkinLoader
[2020-08-17 12:41:15] [Render thread INFO] Minecraft: 1.16.1(1.16.1-forge-32.0.108)
[2020-08-17 12:41:15] [Render thread INFO] Config File: C:\Users\HOST\AppData\Roaming.minecraft\CustomSkinLoader\CustomSkinLoader.json
[2020-08-17 12:41:15] [Render thread INFO] Try to load config.
[2020-08-17 12:41:15] [Render thread INFO] Successfully load config.
[2020-08-17 12:41:15] [Render thread INFO] version : 14.12
[2020-08-17 12:41:15] [Render thread INFO] enableDynamicSkull : true
[2020-08-17 12:41:15] [Render thread INFO] enableTransparentSkin : true
[2020-08-17 12:41:15] [Render thread INFO] ignoreHttpsCertificate : false
[2020-08-17 12:41:15] [Render thread INFO] forceLoadAllTextures : false
[2020-08-17 12:41:15] [Render thread INFO] enableCape : true
[2020-08-17 12:41:15] [Render thread INFO] threadPoolSize : 1
[2020-08-17 12:41:15] [Render thread INFO] cacheExpiry : 30
[2020-08-17 12:41:15] [Render thread INFO] enableUpdateSkull : false
[2020-08-17 12:41:15] [Render thread INFO] enableLocalProfileCache : false
[2020-08-17 12:41:15] [Render thread INFO] enableCacheAutoClean : false
[2020-08-17 12:41:15] [Render thread INFO] loadList : 7
[2020-08-17 12:43:44] [Jo INFO] Loading Jo's profile.
[2020-08-17 12:43:44] [Jo INFO] 1/7 Try to load profile from 'LocalSkin'.
[2020-08-17 12:43:45] [Jo INFO] Jo's profile loaded.
[2020-08-17 12:43:45] [Jo INFO] (SkinUrl: (LOCAL_LEGACY)add2343cdb205add97d109924dcbe0a0b331adcb,LocalSkin/skins/Jo.png , Model: auto , CapeUrl: (LOCAL_LEGACY)15d52ea40bff4b634872cf412c12edc113f88602,LocalSkin/capes/Jo.png , ElytraUrl: (LOCAL_LEGACY)6790449bb660e55a8dc3dbebb48b754d3c4d96ef,LocalSkin/elytras/Jo.png , Expiry: 1597661060)
[2020-08-17 12:43:45] [Render thread DEBUG] Loading type:SKIN
[2020-08-17 12:43:45] [Render thread DEBUG] Loading type:CAPE
[2020-08-17 12:43:45] [Render thread DEBUG] Loading type:ELYTRA
I can't understand what you said... Could you please explain what is "cape skin" and what is "base skin"?
Have you installed any mod which may change your skin and cape?
Could you please provide us a full list of your installed mods? Just screenshots of your mods
folder is OK, if the filename is the mod's name.