


1.10.2 Only cyberware zombies are spawning in my world

MaiconBornhofen opened this issue · 2 comments


in my world i can´t find any friendly and aggressive mob except cyberzombies,i dont known what to do.
mod version: cyberware-1.9.4-1.10.2-beta-0.2.10


Would like to second this account on the surface of default world(no radio beacon is operating either). Zombies spawned off spawner blocks however are not always cyberware zombie spawns. Issue #149 should be linked to this issue for clarity as well. Describing the weight should be described either in installation wiki or in comments in config. I've tried 1 and 100 for weights and zombies on surface of default world is unaffected.

One additional detail: in my instance, I am also using Special-AI. Special-AI modifiers are being applied to the cyberware zombies ( advanced behaviors and pumpkin heads, etc are found among the cyberware spawns.)

Using the same version as above with forge-1.10.2-

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you for your efforts.



in: src/main/java/flaxbeard/cyberware/common/entity/

Here is where the code applies the weight and divides it by 100.00 and checks against the random number generated by the rand function.

if (!isBrute() && this.worldObj.rand.nextFloat() < (LibConstants.NATURAL_BRUTE_CHANCE / 100F))

Looks like the lower the number the less of a chance of a cyberzombie spawning. So how can that low number still be greater than the random number being rolled? rand.nextFloat should be between 0.0 and 1, correct?