Incompatibility Issue with Advancement Plaques
FatalUserK opened this issue · 6 comments
Minecraft version: 1.20.4
Modloader: Fabric
Fabric loader version: 1.15.9
Environment: Singleplayer
Mod name: Advancement Screenshot
Mod version: 4.7
Obtaining an advancement with Advancement Plaques 1.5.1 enabled causes the screenshot to not be taking, I suspect the mod is not recognising the advancement properly due to AP displaying advancements differently than vanilla
Confirmed that the mod happens even when no other mods are enabled, full modlist here:
Advancement Plaques 1.5.1
Iceberg 1.1.18 (AP Dependency)
Forge Config API Port 20.4.3 (AP Dependency)
Advancement Screenshot 4.7
Collective 7.40 (AS Dependency)
Fabric API (Everything Dependency)
Bare minimum mods and the bug still persists
Being used in a client-side modpack, highly unlikely to be relevant but I have some other mods in there, however the screenshots only fail when enabling Advancement Plaques specifically
Issue has been resolved on Advancement Plaques' end, mod now takes a screenshot correctly when an advancement is obtained, incompatibility has been resolved
(meant to make this yesterday lmao)