


/dank/null and iron backpack

Crunchslayr opened this issue ยท 0 comments


First time doing this, so please be patient! I don't know if this is an issue with /dank/null or the iron backpack. I suspect that because they're both storage items, there's a conflict that's occurring. With both the iron backpack and a /dank/null equipped, when you open the iron backpack, it empties the /dank/null back into your inventory.

  1. Equip the iron backpack into the end quickslot.
  2. Equip the /dank/null in your inventory.
  3. Add some stuff to the /dank/null.
  4. Open the inventory in the iron backpack.

All items that were in the /dank/null are now in your normal inventory. Which is bad. :) Cross posting this to the iron backpack page as well.

/dank/null and iron backpack versions are on the way. They're the ones being used in the FTB Revelations mod pack.