Ender Tether Crashes the server
Darkere opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Using an ender tether crashes once an enderman teleports in the area.
Version 1.12-1.6.156
I can confirm:
Crash report: https://pastebin.com/ksfNEFFd
Thank you both for reporting this. Bounding boxes are such a pain to work with, lots of other modders like to do weird things to them. I've added a patch that should fix this, if you could update to build 159 and test it out that would be great.
I tested with the latest alpha build of both Dark Utilities and Bookshelf. I managed to load into my world that was crashing on joining, but now the tether seems to have no effect on Enderman or Ender teleportation.
I've put out a new build which should fix this. You can find it here.