Datapack Portals

Datapack Portals


[Request] Support bungeecord/velocity with `/server lobby` ?

gadget78 opened this issue ยท 11 comments


is it possible for this to support a Bungee/Velocity environment ?
so portals can send players to different servers ?


Is this for 1.18 or 1.19? This requires a separate mod to be installed to add the velocity functionality.


Indeed, I meant, could this be used, once you have the '/server' velocity functions in place ...


I do already have a mod for 1.18 that does this. I don't think I ported it to 1.19 yet.

The /server commands exists on the proxy not the server where the mod exists, so the mod must communicate with the proxy.


I do already have a mod for 1.18 that does this. I don't think I ported it to 1.19 yet.

The /server commands exists on the proxy not the server where the mod exists, so the mod must communicate with the proxy.

Is that this totally separate mod ..
Could that be incorporated into this mod ?
Can DataPackPortals perform commands as you enter them ?...

Would be magic if possible....


I released 1.2.0 for 1.19 which includes support for portals running commands built in. If you're on 1.18 this used to be its own addon mod to datapack portals.

See the example portal.

Note you'll also need to use the other mod you linked for the server switching command itself. It has also been updated to 1.19


We are running latest, so this would actually work then !!??...
Will give this a go ! Thankyou ..


No it does not require any dependencies to be installed, if you check the logs customportalapi should already be there.

The example portal requires a frame to be made out of dirt and then lit with a stick. That didn't work?


well tried to get this working, the velocityserverswitch mod works..

but cannot get this DatapackPortals to work :( using datapackportals-1.2.0-1.19.jar there are no errors in logs...
does it have any dependences ? as in do i need the customportalapi ? (as i cannot see find that as a download)
have used your basic example, and my custom one, added the data pack, and thats showing up ok in /datapack list... and datapack is loading correctly looking at logs...


Feel free to message me on discord:



No it does not require any dependencies to be installed, if you check the logs customportalapi should already be there.

checking logs, yes its present :) that ticks that off...

The example portal requires a frame to be made out of dirt and then lit with a stick. That didn't work?

i used your end portal example.. but indeed, doesn't do a thing, no errors or anything...

Feel free to message me on discord:

discord friend/message sent :) ...


just to close this issue....
to fix above issues, you needed mod on client...
but with this provided mod it works for vanilla clients (using nether/end portal data visuals)
also update have has fixed fabric proxy issues to :) so all my additional requests been answered too !
problems clossed