[BUG] msgChatMessage is the same for Ingame to Discord, and Discord to Ingame.
Gbergz opened this issue ยท 2 comments
What happened?
- User talk ingame & discord talk share the same config line.
What should happen?
- They should be separate.
- 1.12
- [X ] 1.14
Mod version: 1.1.8-1.14
Right now when i have %user% for "msgChatMessage =" it shows up normally from Discord Chat to MC, like this: "[GYAZO]"| But if I have %user% it won't work from MC to Discord. Then it'll show up like this: [GYAZO] And if i swap them around its the same thing. Only one way works. Sorry if i explained this poorly.
Just fixed in #28
Don't know if that link works but you can try downloading it from this link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/dcintegration/download/2844428